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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Kon

    Sol 10-10-22

    Great images. The inverted colours (third one) is my favourite showing loads of details.
  2. Welcome @ankwste. He has been doing amazing work with a mobile. I think that's one of the best ISS I have seen with a mobile. I know he has more excellent things coming into this section.
  3. Thanks. With my limited experience, I am still getting my head around processing it, but as it is getting larger it's also getting easier.
  4. Ver nice set of images. Saturn looks good with the cassini division under recent UK skies. Mars awesome as well.
  5. Some very nice details there.The moons are adding a nice perspective as well.
  6. Thanks Peter. Relatively, we are not too far from each other (other side of Swindon), so you may be experiencing the unstable weather as well. In my capture window the poles were easily seen (before any stacking etc) so it is very likely you observed both poles. I was too sleepy to do a visual, I should take a look next time I am out.
  7. Thanks. I seem to have got the handle of imaging with the manual Dob (and I am aware of my limitations in terms of quality), although I am looking into an EQ platform at some point.
  8. From your file it seems we had different conditions to battle. Apart from the 3 images i posted the rest was completely out of focus. I cannot explain it by no boiling effect just fuzzy; maybe similar currents to yours but worst. That Saturn is brilliant! I don't think i had a single night that Saturn stood still; the best I got was earlier this month but still nothing on that level. It seems Mars is on our side with it's high elevation near zenith so it can cut through the atmosphere.
  9. Great image, with nice details. It seems you had much better seeing at your end. (those council lights look awful, what's the purpose of lighting the whole neighbourhood?)
  10. Thank you. I was very pleased to see it popping in registax even with mild wavelets. I am very pleased on how my Dob is performing, I never thought I could get such details (the upgrade to the asi462 has also helped).
  11. Thanks Neil (and for the feedback on the colour balance). I noticed that while the Moon was out the sky had a milky like appearance but no obvious clouds, so something was going on with transparency or at least make the atmosphere unstable. On the other hand, Mars was a lot easier to focus, I could even see the polar caps on the capture screen.
  12. Thanks Geof. In my limited experience it is getting easier to process the images afterwards as well. I am quite pleased with this result.
  13. I see what you mean but it doesn't take away from a great animation, so smooth and the colours don't fluctuate between the different captures. You should be very happy with it.
  14. Great image but the animation steals the show. Very smooth and loads of details.
  15. I was hoping to also capture the shadow as it was developing but the weather didn't play ball, but a nice bonus of the two moons.
  16. Thanks Neil. It is nice to have more images to compare the clouds development. If the conditions were better, Mars should have been even better, but very pleased with the result.
  17. Thanks! Quite pleased on how it's coming along.
  18. Yes it's getting easier to image it and being high on the sky helps under UK conditions.
  19. Some nice details coming through. I always find it hard with the colour balance but registax does a good job.
  20. Mars was a lot easier to image this morning , it didn't seem to suffer with the weird weather as Jupiter. I think it shows some of the clouds that @neil phillips reported yesterday too. 8" Dob manual, asi462mc, 2.5xTV powermate. 1.5x drizzle.
  21. It seems that seeing was very weird last night. No jet stream but awful to get focus. This was my best 3 captures around 1230 UTC before it deteriorated completely. I think I have got some details on Ganymede in the third picture (I have also resized it in the 4th, 150%); Europa is appearing as a white dot on the surface (no shadow yet). Europa approaching for the transit but by the time the shadow was casting I could not get any focus at all. Are my whites ok, I seem to vary depending on the light (I think the adaptive lightness is messing me around). 8" Dob manual, asi462mc, 2.5xTV powermate.
  22. Very nice report and good targets you got. I wonder if the moon was the culprit for the ring not taking much magnification.
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