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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Absolutely. Have you been back to your dark site you went last year?
  2. I was up imaging the planets when I spotted Orion for the first time this season. Excellent transparency. I could make the wings and some faint reds in them and teal green/blue around the trapezium. Flame nebula wad just about visible without a filter. I didn't have the energy to try the HH 🐴; when I saw it last year it was under similar seeing conditions. A quick image with my mobile.
  3. Great report Joe. Quite a few targets not visible to us.
  4. It's looking very nice. I am hoping for clear skies tonight but I am not holding my breath.
  5. Great images especially the details around the GRS. Do you derotate the PIPP movie and then stack?
  6. Excellent mosaic with lovely details and some of the colours are coming through nicely!
  7. Nice images to your high standards Neil. I particularly like the second one with the rilles in display and their sharpness from the excellent processing. I want to revisit moon rilles with my asi462 camera.
  8. Several of the recently posted images of Mars in the planetary section, including mine, seem to indicate clouds so it could be what @PeterStudzsaw?
  9. A poor attempt on Saturn before clouds rolled in, last night. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5 TV powermate.
  10. Thanks. I keep contemplating a larger Dob as well but trying to work out the logistics, as with my 8" it is the case of getting it in/out within minutes from the sitting room.
  11. No down beat at all. I am enjoying the process and feedback. I do that to others in my line of work so I am glad to have this here. I am sure I will make more bad images than good ones but I will learn along the way.
  12. You are right, a lot of new things to take into account for the next process from this thread. Thanks everybody for input and suggestions.
  13. Thanks, I found that it was harder to get the colour balance. I tried in Astrosurface but it was leaning towards the orange hue.
  14. Ok, i had a play again and I agree that the original ones were over processed. What are your thoughts on these two. I think I am drawn to the second one although the first is more natural looking? Second is a blend of the first image below and my oversharpenned i posted at the start of the thread from registax. Topaz denoise doesn't make much of a difference in these softer images.
  15. Thanks Chris. I am only doing this planetary imaging for just over a year (and more seriously this year) so I am trying to follow the feedback from experts. I like the sharpness but if it makes them look to artificial then it kind of defeats the purpose. I am also drawn to the first one although seeing the softer ones i may try to blend the two or find a middle ground. I am using a Skywatcher 200P (8") Dob manual.
  16. @neil phillipsthanks for the latest rendition. Colour balance looks better in my eyes to the earlier one. @vlaivthanks. I see you also opted for the softer approach. @Simon128Dthanks for your attempt as well. This was a 20000 frames movie and stacked the best 50%. I tried 25% but it seemed to lose some of the sharpness.
  17. True very true! I think we are drawn to sharper images but with loss of true likeness.
  18. Nice capture and processing. You have some really nice details.
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