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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Always so kind with me! I totally see your point. I am researching the market at the moment so i hope to have something in the near future. I do not plan to build one so whatever I purchase needs to be of good quality.
  2. Thanks for your kind words. I think i have learnt a lot here about capture and processing. I still have a long way to go but I am getting the hand of it slowly. What's important is to be adaptable on the conditions rather than 1 fits all.
  3. Great set of images. Very sharp and nice details. Very well processed.
  4. I agree with you. At the moment, I like the simplicity of getting the Dob out in the garden and start imaging but like you have said several times to me I should invest in an EQ platform at least. It's at the back of my mind and I hope to get something soon.
  5. Great image Neil. I feel this may be on your top 3 best captures this season.
  6. Thanks. We can't have it our way can we? I was surprised how stable it looked even though the clouds. At least it was nice being out for a little while.
  7. A very quick session before the clouds rolled in last night. Seeing seemed stable but unfortunately the thin clouds ruined the party. Nothing spectacular but since i got it why not put it here 😜. 8" Dob, manual, asi462, 2.5xTV powermate.
  8. Excellent and the rilles looking great.
  9. Excellent images! I really like your colour one but the IR brings some depth to it. Did you try to derogate and merge them? (I captured some IR the other night but I had not looked at it yet).
  10. Pretty good considering the conditions. Cassini division nicely resolved and some banding coming through on the planet.
  11. Nice images, I particularly like the second one with the cratelets.
  12. I have a manual 200P and I have seen several galaxies from my bortle 3 skies. What the other already said but to add, If you do not already have, get a Rigel or Telrad and a RACI for star hoping. Turn Left at Orion is a good starting point to plan around the seasons and your star hoping or if you prefer any of the usual apps (Stellarium or Skysafari). Try observe on a moonless night or near new moon. Transparency is key as it can easily kill the ability to see them. Galaxy season is in late winter/early spring where you will be spoiled for choice. Have a look at the observing report section and you can see what others are observing based on the season.
  13. Jupiter with Io transiting on 2nd October at 2315 UTC. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate, UV/IR cut filter. Autostakert, Registax and Astrosurface. Wiltshire, UK.
  14. Credit were it's deserved. You have been super generous with your comments on my posts in the past.
  15. Exactly my experience last night. I think Neil is pulling some magic out of his sleeve, amazing as always.
  16. @Nik271and @CraigT82thank you both for the info on the reddish patch. It seemed rather prominent relative to what I had seen on other images (could be the sharpening). It will be good to get some images on the other side if the weather plays ball.
  17. Very nice Neil. A lot better conditions than me.
  18. Saturn in IR from 6th October. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate, IR pass filter. Autostakekrt, Registax wavelets and Astrosurface for sharpening. Wiltshire, UK.
  19. No fan, I hadn't thought about it since it is only an 8". I usually leave my Dob out for 1hr to stabilise. Did you get anything decent on Jupiter last night?
  20. Did you fly over the moon last night?! Great pic and all the little cratelets nicely resolved. The riles are coming through very well.
  21. I am in the countryside so open space. I noticed that at 6 we were getting some frost and I wonder if that helped with the stable atmosphere. Again no jet stream last night but Jupiter was fuzzy; I could get a bit of focus for a split sec but that was it, not consistently; it was not worth it staying up. Your moon capture seems interesting.
  22. ps Jupiter was showing the same mess as like the weekend, not sure what is going on. Even Mars started badly and only around 6 it stabilised.
  23. Thanks Neil; the second one is from the 9th. I will have another go on today's capture; I may have gone overboard with wavelets on the first one.😬.
  24. I had a nice session with Mars this morning at around 530am. It seemed fairly stable considering that Jupiter was a no go at around midnight (at least i got some sleep). Interestingly, the sand storm that was going on on the South pole from my previous capture seems to have subdued. The North polar cap is also showing less clouds as well. Quite a dramatic difference from 2 days ago (second pic). For the Mars experts, what is the red feature towards the centre of the pic. I could not find any info. I have seen it is several of my captures (and others that have posted here); a long going storm? (8" Dob, asi462, 2.5x TV powermate).
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