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Everything posted by TerryMcK

  1. I'm also late to the party having been away in the Lakes. Here's mine processed entirely in PixInsight.
  2. Very crisp and clear
  3. This is the message on the website in plain view for all to see. We are trading at Kelling Heath Starparty. Open again Monday 11th Oct. Orders & emails will be processed when we return. Thanks for your patience.
  4. I also had the full set as a child complete with the Race Into Space book. No idea what happened to it.
  5. Yes I use PI so could do it that way. That FITSwork looks interesting thanks for the link Michael
  6. Anybody know a quick way to batch edit the FITS header? I took some subs last night and forgot the FILTER to be added to the header on 16 of them. Needless to say WBPP errors. I found a website https://www.theastrogazer.com/home/fits-header-tool which supposedly is some freeware but that program has a bitmining program embedded within it.
  7. You should have taken flats before altering any of the optical train. Even if rotating the camera slightly you should then take new flats. No stacking software aligns flats as it has no external references to work from,
  8. Similar design as mine that I made in 2013 also from plywood but not birch just cheap stuff - I can't remember the original designer but think it was on a Dobsonian user group website. The main hinge is made from a broom handle as is the location pin for the seat. I didn't bother with a footrest as my Dob is an 8" x 1000mm focal length so not a tall as yours.
  9. you need to convert the image to either a jpg or png file to paste in as a viewable image. Tiffs just attach.
  10. It is a great scope and camera combination. Very well executed.
  11. Probably. If you can get it as close to the sensor as possible it will minimize internal reflections though.
  12. Astronomy Now is a UK magazine and I take it I find it ok. Much better than Sky at Night. Not heard of Astronomy so do not know where it has its origins.
  13. The ZWO ASI120MM mini is fine for guiding whether on scope or oag.
  14. All good advice to use Astroberry with the PI4. I would just go for the 4GB version if I were you. I have several PI4's for my setups and Astroberry/Kstars/EKOS is a fully functional observatory control system, whether just a basic rig or an all singing all dancing rig with dome etc. with everything inbetween. All for free apart from the cost of the PI.
  15. My Altair Astro 2" solar wedge is ok up to 7" (175mm) apertures according to the manufacturers specs. They also go to state "The Altair Solar Wedge has been fully tested with the sun remaining in the centre of the field of view for 5 hours of continual exposure with a 6" (152mm) aperture refractor in mid-summer in the UK. At no point did the outer prism housing become too hot to touch, a problem common with other wedges. Whilst we cannot recommend use with telescopes of larger than 6 (152mm) aperture for longer or shorter duration, if your telescope is larger, then we suggest trying the wedge for a short time initially, to assess the heat build-up and make your own informed decision." I use mine on my WO ZS73 and have left it pointing at the sun for hours and the wedge never gets too hot to touch. The OTA has never got hot either.
  16. I have the Altair Astro 2" Hershel wedge. It is really good, doesn't get hot and has both 2" and 1.25" adapters with threads for a continuum filter etc. It fits into 2" adapters on scope drawer tubes.
  17. I have downloaded it. What should the sources.list be changed to?
  18. You would be better just using an EQDIR cable plugged straight in to the same socket the hand controller goes and plug that into the computer https://www.firstlightoptics.com/sky-watcher-mount-accessories/lynx-astro-ftdi-eqdir-usb-adapter-for-sky-watcher-eq5-pro-heq5-syntrek-pro-az-eq5-gt-az-eq6-gt-and-eq8-mounts.html. Forget about using the hand controller.
  19. I don't have any Ha solar gizmos (at the moment) but took a couple of shots this morning of 2824 and 2822 using my Altair Astro wedge attached to my WO73 with the ASI183mm capturing the video behind a Baader solar continuum filter. No where as good as yours Nigella. On the second image (of 2822) I noticed 3 little dots almost centre frame and was wondering if they are showing up in your Ha shots?
  20. I have this one from Primaluce https://www.primalucelab.com/astronomy/dovetail-clamp/big-dovetail-clamp-vixen-losmandy-plus-heq5.html They are in the EU.
  21. Martin is absolutely correct. Take a picture of the trees then combine it with the stacked stars. You will have to cut out the sky from the tree picture and then underlay the stars on another layer if using Photoshop, Gimp, Affinity Photo or similar. Trevor Jones shows how to do it in the link posted by Martin above.
  22. My Lakeside focusers have a manual option but you still need power.
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