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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. A good second hand Lunt is ideal. My double stack 60Ds was £1900.
  2. That's not an eyepiece, this is an eyepiece, lol.
  3. My refractors 100mm, 80mm and the Lunt solar scope are triple mounted in the solar obsy, lol. That's on the neq6, lol. I'm kiting out the night time dome with mirrors, lol
  4. My budgets been blown for two years with the Eq8 R pro mount, lol. So a new big RC is not an option but a nice 17inch RC would be nice at £17,000, lol. One could easily bankrupt oneself with this hobby, lol.
  5. I'm learning towards the Newtonian, I do imaging so there's always a camera in the focuser so where the eyepiece is doesn't really count. I usually use the pc screen to visually look at the DSO anyway after it's download. Also it'll be on a pilar in an observatory. So no lifting in and out.
  6. Hi all, I've a recent purchase of an Eq8 R pro mount and undecided as to which telescope to mount on it. I've a C11 and a 12inch f4 Newtonian. The C11 is great for planets but Jupiter and Saturn are low near trees for me at the moment and fading fast into the western sky. The Orion optics 12ich f4 is great for DSO and spectroscopy having used it once a few years ago with my star analyser 100. So do I just go with the Newtonian and swop over next year when Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be much higher. What a choice, lol
  7. We're in a caravan. I'm just going to bring my Gti mount, DSLR and telephoto lenses.
  8. Free sky at night stuff for new subscription to the sky at night mag arrived.
  9. Hi all, I'm about to fix a new Eq8 mount plate to my pier and was wondering if just a basic north position of the adjustment pin is sufficient before placing the mount on the plate. Is there enough adjustment to perform a good polar alignment once the plate is bolted to the concrete pier?
  10. I just asked the council if they could use cut off shades on two led lamp posts as the light affected my dome. Three days later a lighting engineer knocked on the door and asked where I wanted the cut off placed.
  11. Had that with mine, I guided with that for up to 45mins using an off axis guider visually.
  12. I've removed the front glass from my zwo 178mm and it does help to get rid of the NR. Only found out by accident when I fitted a low profile nose piece and lost the glass, lol. Doing that and using a tilt plate has done the trick. Have not got a clue why, lol.
  13. Brilliant, it's on my Christmas wish list, lol.
  14. Brilliant, I had that in 1989 but with a simple push button controls, no goto. I used the setting circles to find objects and consistently guided visually for 45mins using an off axis guider and ectachrome 1600asa slide film. Caught some DSO's back then..Well done, don't let it sit another 40yrs doing nothing.
  15. In 30 yrs I'll probably be pushing up daisies, lol.
  16. Brilliant news tomatobro. Well done. You'll have to let me know how you get on.
  17. I've just bought an Eq8 mount plate for the pier from them. I sent an enquiry about stock, they replied quickly that it was in stock. I ordered the next day and the following day I received it. Great service.
  18. Rob and I, lol. Jeremy, there was a Takahashi scope in a box there too. If you look closely, lol.
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