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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. Finally got around to mounting my "The Space Age" tea cards. Found on fleebay in excellent condition with booklet. Got two more different sets found on fleebay to mount next week.
  2. Great the astro move went well. Welcome to the South West of England where it rains eight days out of seven. Did the boxes say "May contain cloud's" lol.
  3. Amateur astronomy is hazardous, lol. I once broke a rib lifting a 12inch Meade GPS on to it's pillar. It's a heavy beast and held it wrong. Equipment should come with a health warning, lol. My days of carrying equipment are gone.
  4. With etalons it's not just about aperture, it's about how good the etalons are, with massed produced one's it's a little hit and miss. I've a Lunt 60 DS and fortunately got nice one's but I've also read and seen 80mm that, pardon the pun, don't stack up and people are disappointed. If you've got a really nice 60 I'd get a CaK filter as I've done to compliment the HA with a 100mm refractor unless you've already got that. Although the CaK is imaging only with a cheapish zwo camera what's not to like. Just my thoughts and experience.
  5. Many thanks, I'm going to stick with my original plan and go with the Eq8.
  6. Brilliant, so glad you're expanding. Always great service and advice from Flo. Are you getting ready for when my EQ8 R Pro comes in, lol.
  7. The saga continues, lol. Just arrived today from fleebay. Out into Space tea cards, again in really good condition. So bought some more borders and I'll pick up matching frames tomorrow.
  8. Well done, becoming a carpenter, engineer and electrician becomes part of being an amateur astronomer, (and eventually a computer/IT specialist).
  9. Lovely, not seen that one, thanks for sharing.
  10. Thanks again, much appreciated conversation.
  11. Thanks, like me then, probably need the patients of a saint, lol.
  12. Thanks very much for your insights, very helpful. I'm not in a hurry but I'm thinking it might be another year. I've got my C11 on an old neq6 so it's at it's limit but will be fine for now. I've even had the Newtonian on it, lol. I guess I have to be patient, lol. The cem70 would be at the limit for AP. I appreciate your time and insights from personal experience.
  13. Thanks vlaiv. I understand but I can't go another £1000 on the cem120. Appreciate your input though and just have to wait for the EQ8 R Pro. That was my initial thoughts as well about the cem70 and the reason I went for the EQ8.
  14. Hi all, I've actually pulled the trigger on the Eq8 R Pro but not in stock so having to wait for stock whenever that'll happen. So now I'm wondering if I should change my order to a Cem70g which is in stock. I'd be mounting either my C11 or 12in f4 Newtonian both weight around 20Kg fully loaded with most things. I know weight isn't everything and momentum is of importance too. Both mount's are roughly the same price and that's my limit. I want new this time as nearly all my equipment is second hand so at my age it would be nice and my last mount. Mount will be housed in my dome. Thanks for your thoughts.
  15. Thanks Damien for this, brilliant. I'd be buying it all if I saw them, lol.
  16. Welcome and enjoy the forum. Must be great moving from a light polluted area to the Western isles. Hopefully you'll get sorted soon with the broken part you're looking for.
  17. Thanks, just being nostalgic, lol. Must have been an interesting meeting Mark back then.
  18. My grandad smoked really heavy, born early 1900's.
  19. I've also got that, lol. Got lost again in a house move but found a full set in good condition on fleebay last year.
  20. Yeah, I'm excited I found them too and to think from 1928, coming up to 100 year's ago. We'll probably have a moon base by then.
  21. Yes Heather, definitely educational and definitely middle aged, lol.
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