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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. Did the under dome cabling today to the mount, usb3 and eqmod cable. Wish I'd not used tongue and groove boards. Had to take up the whole centre board's 😭😭😭 Great not having spaghetti hung from the scope and mount.
  2. Yes, that's it, thanks. I do use it for computer control.
  3. Hi all and thanks for the replies. I've the hitecastro electronic focusing unit and it came with a cigar connection and then to USB, nuts I know. Could I get a suitable use to the input, never seen that type before. I've run it with the female cigar USB before but with the new mount all cabling is internal to the USBs on the mount. I wanted to shorten the cable so I don't have spaghetti trailing everywhere again which undermines the whole thing of internal cabling/USB hub on the mount. Not good pics just downloaded of net for quick response, lol.
  4. Hi can this cable be shortened to 30cm without affecting the resisters inside?
  5. There's a Glasgow astronomical society in Glasgow. Went there when I was living outside of Glasgow many moons ago.
  6. The big gun placed on the Eq8 r pro mount. Switched on power, held my breath. Did a home alignment and this was successful.
  7. It is for hight as the garden is below road level so the dome is on a plinth too. Also the rod's are 25mm rod's so are supper stable. I've had the neq6 and a C11 on it with no issues. I built the concrete pier with the intention of upgrading to a bigger mount so went for big rod's and steel plates..
  8. I just went with canon for the simplicity of availability of software support and the ability to have it modded for AP. Once modded it's much more sensitive to hydrogen alpha so it's is better for DSO that contains that. It is a minefield when trying to choose I know. Throwing money at a camera isn't the answer to astrophotography. In fact there's not a camera that will be good for all things astro, it's going to be a compromise as I'm sure you know. I'd much prefer personally to buy a dedicated astro camera for planetary imaging and a second camera for DSO and split the money you have for the two cameras.
  9. The whole thing looks small even with the 12inch f4 Newtonian on it, lol.
  10. Well, yesterday I finally placed my Eq8 R pro mount on the pier. It's a heavy beast for sure. Now for under floor cabling to be done to the computer and sort out cabling for electronic focusers, cameras and filter wheel. Then it's getting polar alignment done. Not used the 12inch Newtonian for two years that I'm placing on top since my house move so the mirror needs cleaning and then collimating again. I was surprised it was still pretty much collimated despite the house move and sitting and being moved slightly here and there in the last two years. The focuser was completely frozen and wouldn't budge but eventually I was able to get that working so it needs some TLC and grease. So still lots to do before comisioning.
  11. Fantastic captures Rusted, amazing. Thanks for sharing.
  12. Hi all, I'm probably being a bit dense here. My question is, What is the usb3 hub for that came with my Eq8 R pro mount? There's no documentation for it except an A4 separate piece of paper with pic's on it denoting where you can plug it in to the mount. Either usb2or 3. Thanks.
  13. Hope it doesn't affect solar observations, lol 🤣
  14. I've two 178mm for solar work which are great. I've used a 224mc for planets which is good too, old now but good. The 178mm on my 60mm Lunt solar scope and 80mm white light scope but the 224mc on my C11. Challenge is more to do with seeing and lucky imaging I think.
  15. I think an astro modded camera would be best. These can be picked up quite cheapish. I've a canon 1000d modded and still very good. The moon with 500mm telephoto lens Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn Comet Neowise. I'm no expert what so ever.
  16. That's a pity I was hoping that I'd not have to drill into the steel plate, lol.
  17. Hi all, I've a pier with steel plate that was used for my neq6 mount. Now I've an Eq8 R pro mount that is replacing this. I have an Eq8 R pro mount plate that has the required mounting bolt holes. My question is, Can I just mount the Eq8 mount plate on top of the existing steel plate and just use the centre bolt through the steel plate and through the new mounting plate to secure the mount and use the new mounting plate azimuth adjustment bolt holes to lock in azimuth or do I have to drill new holes through the steel plate to secure all three bolt's to both plate's?. New Ali plate and existing pier attached. Many thanks Nigella
  18. I've ordered ten badge holders if anyone wants one free of charge. You'll just have to make your own badge or I could run some off.
  19. Think there's about eight of us from SGL going, perhaps more if they've not said yet. Hopefully get some clear sky. Would be nice to all meet up when we're there. Is there such a thing as an SGL members badge? Lol.
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