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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. It's like a magician's magic box. Abracadabra, poof, appears an Eq8 r pro mount, lol.
  2. I picked up my Eq8 R pro from flo, it was great to see and meet some of the staff. Including the famous Rob so had to have a selfie, lol.
  3. Logistics issues so went and picked up my Eq8 R pro mount today from flo. Brilliant to meet some of the team. Had a chat with the famous Rob, had to have a selfie, lol. I asked if I could load my car up with some more of the boxes but they said no, lol.
  4. Brilliant Dave, be great to see SGL ers there. Not going to be bringing much equipment, probably my AZ gti in EQ mode and astro modded camera.
  5. Yeah, I'm going Dave. Looking forward to it, all booked in, lol. Never been to anything like it before.
  6. Hi all, just wondering if anyone is going to this year's Winter Fest? Thursday 2nd Dec - Monday 6th Dec 2021. WiinterFest Astro star party at Kelling Heath.
  7. For goodness sake Neil. Will people not learn, lol 🤔
  8. Thanks tomato, I figured I'd need help to put it on my pier. Good job I'd future proofed the pier and the plates when I built it, lol.
  9. You mean to say I've bought this and it's not portable? Lol.
  10. Will people stop buying stuff, the weather is awful, ☔🌧️☔🌧️
  11. Go for it, you'll not regret being seduced to the purple side.
  12. I know, as for the flight case, probably go in the loft, never to be seen again, a bit like a black hole, lol.
  13. Thanks, I've got a powdered Ethernet network switch too, lol. Just need to get it all up and running. The cat5 is already installed in the obsy.
  14. Hiya, yes, I've got cat 5 too so hopefully when I've set everything up I'll be able to remote connect from the house.
  15. Cool. Wow, that's a big box, lol. Mine is due tomorrow. Might need lifting gear, lol.
  16. Thanks, that was my thinking. I'd never used wifi on a mount before so was just curious which way to go with the new one. I'll order the cable then. Much appreciated.
  17. Eq8 r pro mount has been shipped, yay, lol.
  18. Hi all, this has probably been asked before but what would be best to buy for computer control of a mount. Wifi gimbal thingy or a specific cable from mount to computer? Mount will be housed in a dome run off mains electric. Many thanks in anticipation of replies.
  19. Nice captures, I prefer the second coloured white light. Close up CaK is brilliant too. I'm out of action here until late October. Missing all the lovely solar activity this past month.
  20. I once saw something odd when on holiday in Corfu. It was broad daylight around three in the afternoon and I was on the terrace of my apartment. I was looking around and glanced up near virtically to witness a bright orange object suddenly appear. It looked star like to start with but broke up into glittery bright pieces of white and orange and disappeared. Must have only been ten seconds. No other objects in the sky at the time. It was in July. I put it down to a fireball entering the Earth's upper atmosphere, burning and breaking up. Never seen anything like it during the day since.
  21. I love living by the seaside having moved down to Devon nearly two years ago now.
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