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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. Thanks Martin, really chuffed with the mug. I'm pleased with little things.
  2. Deepest condolences and sad to hear but understand completely. Hope you get sorted quickly.
  3. The difference of good and bad seeing from me. Same scope, camera, software, etc, etc. Especially from 51° North plus and near the coast.
  4. Only just going through a hard drive and found this, C11 @f10
  5. For what they are worth here's some images of the event. Not done much with them except autostakke, wavelet and derotation of 6.
  6. I observed Europa's shadow transit last night, early hours of the night plus as it moved onto the disk of Jupiter before the clouds moved in. It was fascinating to see how bright Europa was against the limb of Jupiter.
  7. For imaging you need the ND3.8 but shouldn't use it for visual, NEVER. ND5.0 is good for visual.
  8. Goodness I won the sunspot slot, lol. They were all stunning images, well done everyone. I didn't expect to win a category, I'm humbled. The much prized mug will be with me in my solar observatory in the future, thanks Martin, much appreciated.
  9. It's quite a serious question as we age. I'm coming up 65 and although I've got two permanent observatories one for solar and one for night it's the solar that gets the most use. Even though the night scope is set up I still have to physically go out in the small hour's to be in the dome. It's not automated and I have to turn it occasionally also the scope isn't set up to control from indoors. With each passing year I'm now thinking I will eventually need to replace the old pulsar with an automated dome and to control everything from the comfort of my home office.
  10. I have a C11, yes you can put it so out of focus that it's hard to detect anything. Focus on something in the distance during daytime and at least it'll help you complete focus during the night on a star, etc. I've just cleaned mine, corrector plate removed, mirrors cleaned and put back together. Even after focusing in daytime it was still way out on Jupiter. The focusing still had several turns to reach focus.
  11. It was an interesting event, managed to image it but not processed yet. Quite fascinating to see Io pass in front of Jupiter's red spot.
  12. Hopefully you'll get some clear skies tonight. Hope I do too, Jupiter being higher in the sky now is making a big difference.
  13. A rare night excursion for me last night. I planned to image Jupiter and the night after the clouds dispersed was crisp. Io transits of Jupiter's red spot was particularly fascinating. Shot of dome with Jupiter overhead. Lovely purple colour from my mobile phone camera, lol.
  14. I must say I'm amazed by the quality of the imaging and processing here. I bought my AA26c a few months ago but no first light yet, been setting up the telescope hub. Not done any real night time imaging with dedicated cameras before so this is all new to me but you all have inspired me greatly. Thank you for sharing.
  15. I started using winjupos taking 10x2min video recordings. Once each autostacked use the files into winjupos and derotate. I use a C11 so a bit more resolution. Mars and Jupiter last year.
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