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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. Oh dear, I seemed to have faired better than some on here. Some observations were challenging though with high winds and fast moving clouds but the breaks in those allowed me to image and observe.
  2. Thanks Carol, solar has been amazing this year.
  3. Thanks Mandy, much appreciated. I have 113 images for July over ten days of observations so not that bad considering the awful weather here in Devon in july.
  4. Well done, 65 mile an hour winds here so no chance. Wasn't going to slide the roof of the obsy in those winds, lol.
  5. Hi all, busy month, here are some highlights of July's solar activity. Usual equipment, camera and software used. 13th to 29th July 2023.
  6. Hi all, just completed my hub for the scope. Used plexiglass plate and losmandy brackets. Just need to sort more of the cabling. I was using long cables so need to shorten them. I'll add the micro power box when funds permit.
  7. OMG, I've bought into the conspiracy too, lol. Love that video.
  8. I don't know if it's because I'm awake during the day and able then to take advantage of large gaps in the cloud but I average 10/15 days of observations of the sun our nearest star per month. More sometimes during the summer months and 6 to 9 days of observations during the winter months from the UK. It can be very frustrating but don't give up.
  9. Hiya John, I had to drill a larger hole in one of the pullies as the steeltrack has quite a large rod. I've a drill press so easy for me to do. Not sure if you can buy pullies with larger or smaller bore diameter. It's the only thing I had to do plus making the bracket. My experience is that each focuser is different bore/rod size. I've fettled a number of focuser's using the skywatcher motor focuser. Some with direct coupling. Just did one for my TS 70ed focuser too. Hope that helps.
  10. Thanks callisto, it'll probably be months before first light.
  11. My new Altair Astro 26c hypercam tec arrived this afternoon. Sorry for the week's of rain that will come with it. Not had a dedicated astronomy camera since I had a starlight express MX7c in the 90's. Did a lot of research, costing and dithering between Zwo and Altair, lol.
  12. True, but you get tired, lol. Also the sun our nearest star is the most observable dynamic thing in the sky that we can observe up close and personal. Every day there is something different even during times of minimum activity. Granulation, pores, spot's, active regions, prominence, coronal mass ejections, flares, filaments. Can be observed in different wavelengths observing the different layers of it's plasma, etc, etc.
  13. Thanks Franklin, don't mean to high jack the post, just showing what can be done during the day and no sleepless night's, lol.
  14. The tarantulas on the sun were imaged with a 127mm acromatic with zwo 178mm camera and G-band filter. Processed with autostakker3, ImPPG and photoshop. The second with a lunt 60mm double stack using the same camera and software but with false colour added.
  15. I've moved pretty much to solar, observing and imaging in three wavelengths. Always something different to see even during solar minimum. Now it's truly amazing and no sleepless night's. I also do love observing the planet's when around a decent time and Venus during the daytime.
  16. Apparently it's about 8 earth's long and 4 earth's wide.
  17. This thing is massive, screenshot for now.
  18. Second iteration, working better on the course adjustment. 20230711_133428.mp4
  19. Yeah, I'll try the larger wheel on the other side to see if that works better and the course focus.
  20. I was wondering whether to put a large cog on the motor which I already have to get a bigger ratio.
  21. Hi all, I've just added a baader steeltrack focuser for my C11 and fettled on an electronic focuser based on a spare skywatcher electric focus motor. Works a treat for the cost of a few parts (£20). Similar off the shelf items are around £200. Not bad for an hours fettling, lol. Very similar to the TS off the shelf item. The slow motion is slow but course focus is done via the main C11 focus knob and fine focus now via the computer.
  22. 29th June white light image of AR3354. Optistar 127mm stopped down to 100mm, Hershal wedge, Zwo Asi 178mm plus 2x barlow @f20 and no barlow at f10. Processing with autostakker3, ImPPG, and Photoshop.
  23. Thanks Rusted, great to do some observations again.
  24. Thanks Jeremy, much appreciated. It was nice and relaxing time but missed using the telescopes. Lovely skies looking south over the ocean from Costa Taguise though. It was nice seeing the whole of Scorpio and the southern milky way.
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