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Everything posted by geeklee

  1. That's come out very well, with loads of detail. The balance with the stars looks great too (including the colours).
  2. Thanks for the feedback @mackiedlm & Richard 😊
  3. Looks great @Rustang A noticeable improvement (to my eye) over your earlier versions. From your stated goals, it looks like you cracked it!
  4. Lovely SHO (and HOO) version Adam - Great detail and depth, especially in the "trunk".
  5. Lovely image and great perseverance with the OSC knowing you might not have got much.
  6. That's come out great @Anthony1979 I really like this target after capturing a few frames last year and you've reminded me I need to revisit.
  7. Yeah, I've been umm and ahhh'ing over something like these for a while. I do enjoy scanning the sky with naked eye, so a little oomph sounds perfect. Mixed reviews in another thread kept me on the fence but it's worth a punt at this price point. Ordered.
  8. Thanks Dave, appreciate the comments. Your recent version will be one for me to try and emulate!
  9. Thanks @Rustang. Agree, it was difficult to decide on a route to take for the colour, saturation and brightness. I really liked the more punchy version too.
  10. It's been said above, but this is stunning - the palette and real depth you get within the image all just comes together to create something amazing. An image worth exploring again and again. Great work.
  11. I'm seen some really inspiring images of M31 recently on SGL, so thanks to everyone that's posted these. After breaking out of those light nights in the NE of Scotland I managed to capture M31 over 4 nights last week (with the usual cloud dodging) This was captured with a Redcat 51 and ZWO ASI533, ~9.1 hours (274 x 120s subs). The small chip size of the ASI533 just squeezed M31 in at a 45 degree angle with the RedCat. Captured with Voyager, calibrated and stacked in APP and processed in PixInsight. As always, any feedback for improvement is always welcome. (It looks more blurry than normal following a PNG upload - there's a full size version on Astrobin - see sig) As a relative beginner, I'm always interested in the process people follow - from camera to post processing. So hopefully this helps anyone doing the same target with similar equipment what each phase looked like for me In PI, the image above had the following performed: Crop, Dynamic Background Extraction, Background Neutralization, Colour Calibration Initial Histogram Transformation (low) Further HT stretches, but with masks Some Curves Transformation with masks (background saturation, removing some green, general saturation increase) LocalHistogramEqualization, little sharpening with MultiscaleLinearTransform Very low application of TGV Denoise (I forgot this in the linear stage) - chrominance noise was a minor benefit, but I hardly applied any for Lightness. Dark Structure Enhance script with a low "amount" Here's one sub next to the final stack, the final stack at 1:1 and lastly another more in your face revision with larger and more stars!
  12. Welcome @ParallaxPete from a fellow star gazer in the north east of Scotland. When we finally get some clear skies, it sounds like you'll be ready to go! 😀 👍
  13. From context, it sounds more like these two (at least) will get direct, hopefully better by the sounds of it, replacements. Yes, it would be interesting to here why this method is used. Even if the answer is just current complexity of the code... which may improve and change the simplicity of upgrades in the future.
  14. One thing to look out for on first application of the process is the RGB and greyscale weights files need selected (all explained in the forum post for the release so I'm sure obvious to most). I believe these were only available after I'd applied the latest updates following the new installation. Default (Windows) path for both - C:/Program Files/PixInsight/library/ It was interesting reading their release notes on the important pending changes and some of the items they flagged as being completely replaced soon (e.g. DBE, StarMask etc)
  15. As John mentioned, upgrades have to be done by downloading the latest version from their software distribution page of your account, then uninstalling completely and reinstalling from this new version. Not ideal. @Jkulin As well as a few items marked obsolete, some solid updates in there, including StarNet as a core process.
  16. Lovely image Mark. Well worth the perseverance and total integration.
  17. Looks stunning, so much detail and contrast showing in both panels. Looking like a very good decision to split this target into two. I really like the ultra wide view that's come out as a result.
  18. I've not come across a similar thing with a project, but you could set up your icons and then utilise the Process -> Process Icons -> Save Process icons. You can then save this file somewhere. When you have a new workspace or project, just go to the same place and use Load Process icons, choose your file and they'll all appear exactly how you saved them. If you make any changes to the processes, you can just save over this file for use elsewhere next time. This makes it a little more flexible as you can have a bang up to date process file that you can reuse.
  19. Awesome Mike. I'm very jealous 😁. I'd settle for one in a row right now!
  20. Great work! Double cluster in the middle, Heart and Soul nebula to the left, I think M103 near the top... with a few more there too in that wide field shot!
  21. Coming thick and fast this week Mike - sounds like you're getting some great conditions. Another brilliant image - lovely detail and contrast. As usual, it was a pleasure to view at 100% on Astrobin too.
  22. Good tip @SyedT. I came across this article recently and after configuration it did increase speed significantly for the Starnet++ process! I have a relatively old card in PC terms - nVidia GTX 1060 6GB.
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