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Everything posted by geeklee

  1. It's looking good so far and as already mentioned, will be great to see your final version - whether that's something you complete this season or not πŸ™‚ Have you been trying different LNC degrees and iterations for the uneven panels (I assume so from your comments above but thought I'd ask in case)
  2. Lovely image Adrian. Nice framing on the crop.
  3. I received a Solar Can as gift last Christmas and had it up for 6 months or so from late winter onwards. When I took it down and scanned the image inside, I got this: Once I'd brought it into Affinity Photo and had a play around with levels, curves, saturation, vibrancy etc, I settled on this: No where near some of the perfect captures out there or very well placed on my part. Just popped onto a drain pipe outside the house! With some better imagination and good surrounding landscape, I imagine you could create a nice long project on the sideπŸ‘
  4. Yep, very jealous David! Still waiting for first light with the 135. I'm hoping later this week but with the current weather, who knows. Good luck for a full clear night tonight.
  5. At least the 10 day forecast has stopped showing 100% rain for the first time in two weeks.... Just 90% now πŸ˜… it's been so bad, I'll take that! Hopefully you'll get a chance for first light in the coming week.
  6. Great work @Buzzard75 The image looks great and the animation is awesome - nice seeing wider view between targets and the close up.
  7. I wondered who had brought this continuous awful weather to Aberdeenshire 😁 Welcome to SGL!
  8. Between yourself and @Allinthehead Takahashi's Epsilon team don't need a marketing department (on SGL at least) !
  9. Wow and wow! The Soul nebula looks amazing. So much detail for the integration - did it look as good full size, it seems like it might have!
  10. It looks great already Pierre! Look forward to seeing some colour when you get more clear skies!
  11. Looking good Alan. As mentioned, just trying to remove the yellow/green cast from the image will help a lot I think. Just aiming to get a better colour balance (but still not the best) and removing gradients with the above TIF (PixInsight): ...and added a little more colour as mentioned below!
  12. That's come out great Mick. Good luck with the new camera, I'm sure you'll keep getting similarly good results. I think the 1.25 filters are common with this camera (with the flats correction you mention) so you probably don't need to worry too much. I'm sure plenty of owners will be along shortly to confirm/deny. I think you must have got the only tiny window recently πŸ™‚
  13. I think my setup (including camera and guide cam from another rig) will look very much like this when I get first light @Phillyo Did you drill new holes in the Astrokraken rig to mount on to another dovetail? This thread has been nagging away at me for ages and I finally succumbed recently and started building up the equipment. The next 5-10 days look awful weather wise but we'll see if I can sneak at least an hour or two. I have the ZWO Canon adapter from a previous project that unfortunately never went anywhere and it seems very solid when locked in. I still have the FLO M48 adapter on order as I plan to try and use my Atik 460 as well - although this sounds more challenging from the information in this thread. At some point I may be close to spending enough to have just bought a bigger camera to get the wider views 🀨 Maths correct, but that scale would typically be classed as undersampling rather than oversampling (@ 5.74"PP). As @Phillyo says, it can still look good with the ASI533 (and many other cameras), as his images show.
  14. Fantastic image Martin. The fine detail and associated contrast & brightness brings out such a depth to the image. My own mixed attempts (still ongoing) at this target have left me feeling a little underwhelmed but your image highlights just how much is going on in the nebula and surrounding areas.
  15. Brilliant image alongside some great framing to tell the story and squeeze in so much. It was well worth spending the time at 1:1 looking over the areas highlighted in your text.
  16. @kirkster501 You've probably seen it already for the Samyang 135 but if not, there's some excellent information throughout this thread on spacing with various setups including the difference filters make, using the FLO M48 adapter etc. Imaging with the Samyang 135mm f2 - Getting Started With Imaging - Stargazers Lounge
  17. Lovely gradient from the couple of hours I did get on Saturday πŸ™‚ A very quick and dirty DBE in PI handled it well as it seemed a nice, simple gradient. Boosted STF Before After: Normal STF after: To ensure no software bias, APP's LP tool did a great job too (30% DDP stretch):
  18. Looking good Michael. M1 especially has some nice colour and detail coming through.
  19. Great start @Somerled7 I think you've described where a lot of us have been at the beginning with those challenges. You've done well to pull it all together at once.
  20. It ended up being a typical incorrect forecast, post 8pm-ish was totally clouded out πŸ™„
  21. I'm up in the north east of Scotland and I'm currently imaging the Soul nebula with a Baader 7nm Ha. I have to admit I don't think the subs are looking that great... Glad I didn't go for the flaming star which is about 40degrees from moon! Any clear night is a good night πŸ˜…
  22. Nice image @Scooot. Really like the way you've framed it off centre like that - it really works for me.
  23. Thanks for the encouraging comments, appreciated πŸ‘ ☺️ Back into acquisition mode now.
  24. Hi everyone - In a very surprising set of clear skies this image was taken over four nights in November - two long and two shorter - between 3rd and 21st. This is using a RedCat 51, Atik 460EX, filter drawer and standard Baader Ha and OII filters. Image scale is ~3.8"PP. A good fit on the smaller chip in one frame, but some detail is sacrificed at 250/51. Captured with Voyager, calibrated and stacked in APP then processed in PixInsight. Ha - 48 x 900s (12hr) OIII - 52 x 900s (13hr) The Ha data was amazing and the first time I've ran an autostretch in PI and seen negligible noise in any area of the image. A large part of processing time was spent trying to reduce halos in the OIII stack before combining (there were 8-10 that would have created big blue circles if left alone) and balancing the background (which may or may not be a success). There's a couple of palettes here - one H(HO)O and one HOO. The first being 50% Ha and 50% OII into green and the second perhaps needing some anti-saturation sunglasses 😁 As always, thanks for looking and any feedback for improvement is always welcome. H(HO)O HOO
  25. Only 3? 😁 I'm finding narrowband colour decisions... challenging! Another flexible method is just stretching the OIII more and the Ha less - testing, combining, retrying, repeat.
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