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Everything posted by LukeSkywatcher

  1. Please please please buy more astro gear. Lots more. This heatwave is killing me. Not as hot here as last year, but it's not far off it.
  2. Don't go to East London then. :÷)
  3. I've a good view East over the brick wall. Good views west over the wall with the wall decorations. Good view north over roof of house and big open sky view at zenith. It's just a south view I'm missing.
  4. Here's mine. In no particular order: It's not as bad as it looks because I have a huge patio, my house is a bungalow and pretty dark skies. The worst is looking south with all the trees.
  5. Everything in moderation, especially astronomy.
  6. That is so weird. When I first saw the OP image the craters looked like they were indeed bulging. When I saw your image, and looked again at OP image, I saw no bulging.
  7. I couldn't see it from the pub. *hic*
  8. Tell her to get working on renewing your vows. That should keep her busy.
  9. The leg on the left doesn't even have a shadow. I'm thinking that the photo was taken with the same camera as the Moon landings.
  10. A two legged stool. Milking some cows any time soon?. How does it even stand up.
  11. I've never found the need to use filters on planets. I've seen Joop in scopes from 90-200mm. All 4 bands visible. Ive never seen the GRS though. I like wide field views. Then again, I've never tried to observe the GRS.
  12. Glad the cleaning of optics worked out. I think the points being made above are simply because if a scopes optics look dirty to you, it may not need cleaning. A small amount of dirt on the optics wont give any less performance.
  13. Mine has very tall trees to the south. A 6ft2in fence on the east and west sides. The house blocks the north. From my patio, I can only observe from about 30 degrees upwards N,E,W. No view south.
  14. When I bought my wedge, i wasn't even sure if it was polarized so i bought a variable polarizing filter. Turns out i only needed a single polarizing filter. My wedge cost 140 euros from astronomy.eu in Germany. The ND3, polarizing filter and continuum filters cost another 140 euros. Live and learn. I thought I was saving money. I should have bought from FLO. Anywhoo.....I'm more Ha now than WL.
  15. I'm amazed the wedge came without a barrel Then again my wedge came without an ND filter. I thought I'd never use a continuum filter but I'm rarely without it now.
  16. Unless your eye is still over the EP tube, which would be highly unlikely because the wedge wouldn't be able to fall out with your eye in the way. On a more serious note..... The film filter is extremely safe once you keep it in good condition. If you think its damaged, chuck it out. They are cheap enough to replace. A Hershel wedge is a much better alternative for WL observing but are not exactly cheap. They become even more expensive when you add the cost of a polarizing filter and a continuum filter. Practically doubles the cost. Most HW come with the ND filter insitu, mine didn't. I had to buy one. ALWAYS check if the ND filter comes with the HW.
  17. I like that. Pretty genius. Wouldn't suit me though being in a wheelchair. Although it wouldn't be too difficult to do it where the focuser is on the Heritage. We'll done.
  18. Love my Bresser 102ARxs. Shame the red stripe is just a bit of sticky tape.
  19. D'oh!!!!! Of course it is. That puts everything up at the top end. Ignore me.
  20. Just looks weird. I've never seen a R&P focuser sticking out the side of a scope and/or at the front end (?) of a scope. I'm assuming the front end because those look like spider vanes to me. I'm not familiar with this type of scope though. *Edit* I just Googled the scope and indeed everything is in the correct position and location. The focuser can indeed be rotated.
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