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Everything posted by LukeSkywatcher

  1. I've been to Lanzarote a good few times, Sept, Christmas etc. Been to Costa Teguise once. Lovely resort, but nearly always cloudy at night. Bins are a safe bet. You might see the Moon.
  2. That's nothing. Mine cost 6K (ruddy good thing i didnt have to pay for it)
  3. Here is one similar to mine. Mine is blue and black. I take it everywhere.
  4. Seriously the biggest Frac ive ever set eyes on. Finderscope looks a bit small.
  5. I use my extension pole as a door stop. If i used it with my scope and AZ5, i'd need a step stool to get to the EP.
  6. Ah, ok. I thought somehow (stupidly) that the bins make the night sky look 3D.
  7. Perfect. Drum stools are just about the most comfortable "chair" that ive ever used. You're now good to go.
  8. Now all you need is a comfy chair. I bet it takes a good bit of weight off of the setup also.
  9. "Or just remove the pillar extension and use a chair with the 180" I dont use the pillar extension on my AZ5 mount. It puts the EP well above my seated height. The tripod is on its lowest height also. Works fine just mounting my Bresser 102 directly on AZ5 tripod.
  10. Bought something from America, Japan?. I hate those letters. They make you feel like a criminal.
  11. In that case, you need a bigger scope or its a waste of tripod. Post van just pulled onto my drive. I was stuck to the window like a yappy happy ankle biter. Alas, it was just turning round to get out of the cul-de-sac.
  12. OK, i give up. What is it?. That tripod looks overloaded. Im sure its not though.
  13. So that's where it went. I knew that Quark and Bresser AR 102 would come back to bite me on the backside. LOL.
  14. Just a bill for 3.5k. Apparently the care home where Mum is hasnt been paid since she moved in, in April. Banks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. What would we do without them.
  15. An electricity bill for the last 2 months...........................8 euros, I hardly live in my house now. I come here to sleep.
  16. I am always weary of those. Gummie Bears from Germany, BIN. Why do they do that.
  17. It's not a given. It MAY contain clouds. I'm guessing the accessories are in the small box.
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