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Everything posted by LukeSkywatcher

  1. A huge fat check. Life changing money. Part of my inheritance.
  2. I'd say the scope alignment was off a bit when observing Saturn. First time I saw it, it raced across the FOV. Jupiter didn't. The Moon used to race across too, until I tweaked alignment. Then it crept across.
  3. When observing, I'm never in a rush to find things. I must admit to not using a finder scope, RDF or even the Go-To function. I just like to casually stumble around the universe and see what I come across. Productive or not, it's how I like to observe.
  4. What are the chances. That's a once in a lifetime shot.
  5. I cant justify the cost because of the traffic in my town. Its quicker to walk anywhere, and it's free.
  6. Now I think about it, Molly would take care of everything (given half the chance).
  7. Looks like one half of a pair of slippers.
  8. Seen as I'm terrified of house spiders, its safer to be outside. They dont follow me there. All I get outside are bats,rats and cats. The cats take care of the rats and I like bats, so only the Boogy man to worry about. Molly would see him off.
  9. I saw ball lightning when I was a young teen. It was a globe of white/blue. It was about 6-7 inches in diameter, and it hovered about 5ft off the ground for a good few seconds before vanishing in an instant.
  10. Too long a period of time to be a meteor.
  11. I remember it well. Biggest I've ever seen.
  12. When observing while seated, the muscles in your eyes are relaxed and no pressure from bending your neck. This leads to better views.
  13. DT=date All fixed now. Exact time (AM light has turned off because its PM)) and date. So neeners to all you doubting Thomas's.
  14. I'm sure when I figure it out that the AM will only light up after midnight. It's a great watch. A bargain.
  15. Theres no PM on it. I haven't set it up properly. There were no destructions in the envelope.
  16. Can I have the Polo (life saver). Thanks.
  17. Not astro related, but I ordered this watch a month ago and it arrived this morning. Great quality build. 7 euros.
  18. I saw some of these clouds a few days ago.
  19. My postman doesn't like me. Never brings me nice things. It a female postie, so that explains it.
  20. I don't see DSO's in colour. The universe to me is shades of grey and white. The exception being the planets, and stars that are not actually white.
  21. Please please please buy more astro gear. Lots more. This heatwave is killing me. Not as hot here as last year, but it's not far off it.
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