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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. I thought that would be the case Don, thanks for the reply.
  2. I work too closely with the Refuse teams at work....... RRR rubs off.
  3. Sounds familiar on the glasses front Don, except I have Vari-focals and they are not Astro friendly. So Single vision for at EP and readers for the charts and soon to arrive DSC as well. Age, its a great curse to live with (preferable to any other options available in my book).
  4. Fully support the 2021 out plan. I think we have Covid-19 booked for 2021 in answer to one of the points above! This stop year gives a decent breather to get this thing under some control and allow bigger gatherings again.
  5. That is a great idea Nigella. Chris, how about 'The 3R Observatory' (Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle)
  6. Just caught up on your build thread again Chris, hence all the sudden likes from me again. Looking great and nearing some completeness of initial build. The video was great as well, you are on a roll sir. Like the mount choice as well, be interesting to see how it does.
  7. I have to agree with the chaps above, Alt-Az for visual, far easier and more of a pleasure to use. Nice scope you have purchased.
  8. The atmosphere for me on Sunday was heavily moisture laden, so some dewing but also terrible to look through. Planets for me are difficult at present due to the altitude and local trees, need to shift to a different location in front garden next time. But of course writing this now on Weds am, the clouds and rain have arrived!
  9. If you don't ask you don't know the answer is my view on things, good call Victor 👍
  10. @Don Pensack,Just to check are you in the it depends bit referring to all 3 eyepieces? Small 10" Newtonian!!!! I thought I was a 'real' observer when I got that scope! 😉
  11. Nice to read this report Stu. I too was out for a while but the level of dampness and higher humidity took its toll. Dewing season is upon us, I should have taken precautions, know for next time of course. Sadly for me Mars etc all are tree heights in sociable hours on a work night, I was so looking forward to lots of Mars, but not when I needed to sleep. I need a clear weekend very soon to feed this Planet observing need.
  12. Nice to see you have come to a decision Victor. I would not dismiss your Grandparents due to age though, doing that is more disrespectful than asking to store a telescope with them. I know at 18 everyone is old to you, I was 18 many years ago and thought the same then too. Now I am older most folks all are young to me now of course!
  13. Hello Les, nice to see you out in the open and no longer lurking, big step taken. Another Essex member here, I observe with Ed above via our club CPAC, when we are allowed to within Covid rules. Just like Ed, like low tech, but I have sneaked in a Push to System for the dob, so slightly more tech than I have had. Good luck with the change to Go-To, a steep curve I am sure after no tech.
  14. Thanks so far folks, that has helped me solidly discount the 14mm XW. The explanations on Presbyopia*, which I have was the deal breaker, as was the helpful FC description. So I now have a real dilemma, the APM 12.5, or something else, that being the Delos or Morpheus. I tried a 12.5 Morpheus and it did not quite gel, but are all Morpheus equal? Hmmm...... * I had to look up what this was, which is age related close sight change, i.e. reading glasses.
  15. But are they just tales or reality? I have read such varied opinion on the XW 14 and 20.
  16. I have a gap in my eyepieces and it down to two, both would sit with my mixed set of: APM UFF 30, APM UFF 18, Pentax XW 10, Pentax XW 7 and others in shorter FL for the refractor. So either the Pentax XW 14 and possible FC or the APM 12.5 Hi-FW. The varied FOV is not the driver, but is very similar caused by the differing EP FL, the quality of kit is the main driver, price works out very similar. So here in the Blue Corner is: So here in the Red corner is: Any thoughts on this gang, please
  17. Hi Robert, not Charlie (confused or what?). Glad you like the 12.5 and that its as well made as it looks, if the UFF is anything to go by (I own 2) then it will be stonking. Sorry on the 100 degree EP, never owned one, sorry, I stopped at 80 degree area, and now back at 70 for most, which suits. I too wear glasses observing now and the 12.5 is of interest. I bet it will be great in the 6" Refractor.
  18. Victor, could you perhaps negotiate the Dob living with your Grandparents?
  19. Victor, having read your initial question and then the developing one, I get the feeling you had already decided to sell the Dobson anyway and wanted confirmation of this decision made. Changing scopes about for many is part of the hobby, it’s actually fun trying differing scopes anyway, so sell one buy one is very common, but does cost money. I have been observing for decades and churned scopes and kit to suit my situation and finances over the years, but have settled to one refractor and one reflector. My home setting differs from you as I have a garden and I also have a car to go to dark sites with, so this allows the scope choices made. I think your idea of a refractor and larger but portable reflector makes great sense, but do not get hung up on planets and lunar only, it’s a great but limited target list, dso of the brighter kind in light pollution as well star clusters and doubles should be on your observing list. Sell the 250 and move on, it’s a journey of discovery, so enjoy the trip.
  20. So how goes the 12.5mm @Charlie 2436? I presume its arrived and had use now.
  21. I rather like my APM UFF 30mm and APM UFF 18mm used with glasses. Markus makes a 15mm as well as others but ER is at 16mm, so my question is who have used these, good, average or other and do they work with glasses (I suspect not at 16mm)??
  22. @Don Pensack, why not the APM 12.5 like you have done??
  23. Many of us think it is. I got it and have kept it in the 10" Dob for long periods some nights as I am enjoying it so much. That may be newish EP eyes, but I have had many over the years and this truly stands out in a good way.
  24. That was so funny, sadly recognised most traits straight away in fellow hobbyists, but as a British Visual observer, had a special chuckle at myself as well. He has nailed everyone well.
  25. It certainly is lighter on the wallet this way. Gone cold turkey and not bought kit for longer than you, which is quite an achievement.
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