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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. In answer to the threads initial asking, I base my purchases upon availble budget, the use I expect to give something and build quality. My cars reflect this as they are moderate priced small ones from main stream makers. This drove my choice of a 4" Refractor on all 3 counts and the seeing conditions I often experience. My present Vixen was a step up in build quality and slight improvement over my 4" SW Pro, but it was mainly driven by me thinking it would change the experience, it has, I enjoy the super r&p focuser, the solid build and my pleasure in just owning it. I often look at bigger refractors, but as a passing fancy, not a serious itch. Anyone buying more expensive kit, good luck to you if it fits your budget, But did it give you the most excitement, or was that from your budget first scope and alook at now familiar targets? I am a visual astronomer, not an imager by the way, that also is an influence for some.
  2. Taken out of context to your comment Olly and the Reason posted by Jeremy, but. Daughters are far more expensive than telescopes is all I would add. And congratulations on a forthcoming family wedding Jeremy.
  3. Great to see progress to being out in the wild and Beta testing now live, clearly lots of hard graft gone on behind the hallowed doors of Rowan Towers, nice one chaps. Great to see such a well made product again growing and evolving, shows the dedication to the project. And @johninderby glad you decided to show that it’s as solidly built as a Panzer 😂
  4. I name I did not recognise, undeducated person that I am. Looked it up and have learnt something on a cold and damp day. From the Library of the World AKA Internet: Definition of analemma : a plot or graph in the shape of a figure eight that shows the position of the sun in the sky at a given time of day (such as noon) at one specific locale measured throughout the year Affix a camera to a sturdy mount … and take a photo of the Sun at a particular time of day
  5. Nice images Vin, thanks for sharing. As you say, interesting to see the difference over a week, I wonder is folks have done a daily time lapse or similar when it's been clear enough. OK, clearly not possible in recent times with all the pesky cloud.
  6. I used to adore my Type 6 11mm, that was sold here on SGL. As with others it was in persuit of something else and it's a never ending saga. I sometimes think less is more in all honesty, just still working on what less should be for now,
  7. The Dart mission is an interesting one, they hope to at most change Dimorphos' orbit by 1%. And as already said its a test and proof of concept mission. Bargain bucket one as well at £240 Million.
  8. Postie has been along and an old friend returned to my ownership, used to love this on WL Solar, so see if it was Rose coloured specs or not soon.
  9. Interesting that scopes are now in the house as well Mike. Is the pier a DIY painting job to the left of the ED72?
  10. So have I and think it is great, far nicer tha the Detacheur Fluid I used to by in France, it alwasy removed the grease from your skin and didnt smell nice either.
  11. You didnt ask for Slo-Mo in your question of course....but made me chuckle. Would the Scopetech hold a heavy 5" scope though? A question posed, not a comment on that mount.
  12. Got to be in no particular order: AZ5 (but not the SW one) AYOii, Ayo Vamos, Rowan AZ75 when released.
  13. That UK Transit will do more than 40 MPG if Diesel, which it liekly is. Even my 14 years old REnault Master turns in 34 MPG and thats a lump of a Camper Van. As to the OP, if space really is tight and in a Fiat 500 it is, how about a decent pair of Binoculars, can be very pleasing on dark skies while away, it's what I often do when away in the Camper Van.
  14. I have tried both and as a former diver understand the boxes for that kit. Astro kit comes in the house, it bumps door edges etc. Bags are far kinder all round. Bags also pack in the car better as it may not all go in the boot.
  15. That look wonderful Francis, when will you start producing a run of them 😉
  16. What is the mechanism on the left hand side Doug? I presume it is to allign both scopes, but to assume or presume often gets you in trouble after all.
  17. I do wonder if some of the bias based upon own choice is justifying the outlay to oneself regardless of performance. As is often the case, unless you regularly get great conditions where you observe from, aperture is often an inhibitor rather than King, I say this as my home conditions are a Micro Climate locally, while others enjoy great conditions, I have average ones. I wish those who have deeper pockets well with some of the very expensive kit, I just hope they are generous enough to share a view once in a while.
  18. Nice one Paul, Lucky you getting a clearish sky and that you got up and got out and have seen it.
  19. Congratulations on the purchase, I can see why you were tempted. The Dob and refractor make a nice pairing.
  20. Oh yes you can.... I went from Green and Black to all Black a while ago, something to do with undercuts.
  21. Oh no, the run of cloud will continue 😉 Nice purchases folks, enjoy them.
  22. Hello @Sci Fi Guy and welcome to SGL, taking th efirst plunge into the hobby is a big step and one that so many of us get wrong. Asking lots of questions, before spending lots of money is a very sensible order of doing things. I am a fellow Essex resident and belong to one of the Asttronomy Clubs in the area CPAC. I would suggest it worth a visit or two to one of the local clubs if you can as they have a reservoir of knowledge tapped into. Several of our newer members had bought scopes and struggled, came along and are now up and running, it might be an on your own hobby some of the time, but it can be helpful talking with those who have gone before you. Have a look at the clubs link on this forum, CPAC amongst others are listed.
  23. Thanks so far folks Some reading later when not just on my phone. Most glad I asked as good and interesting information coming out.
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