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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Still room at the base of that case Mr S..... any more to follow at all??
  2. W&W and DewControl is all great kit, well made in the UK. Easy to forget a critical cable purchase.
  3. Postie attended and went before I got to the door sadly, have now taken a treck to the sorting office. Another old friend returns, an itch that needed a scratch, but somehow I think a few more will be required! Morpheus 12.5mm at last a Morph in the Morpheus carry case. And first photo at my new home office desk and room, my own desk.
  4. A belated welcome, that must be a record in forum lurking. Sounds like a wonderful location in your near future.
  5. So do you have a picture of the new RACI fitted to your Dob Steve? Be interested to see how it looks.
  6. A wood fetish in the open as well as the handle one @JeremyS? 🤣🤣🤣 In honesty, I know what you mean, new wood is one of the magical smells.
  7. Interesting comparison on two scope types I know well, I sold on my C8 as it never truly wowed me. Nice report and sketch Rib, don’t do yourself down on sketching, it’s a good observing record. Recording what you see helps concentrate your observing, it does for me and my ‘art’ is dire.
  8. I think any decent seat is the real game changer, but that BB does look nice. I like Rob above have the Nadira and am most happy with it, but I also se a 40 year old MFI stool as well at times.
  9. It has a double meaning in our household Herself fills that role well, but it’s actually her real job as well
  10. Hard to define here in the UK as it changes every night and day with the atmosphere, more than many others enjoy. Probably why I struggle to settle on scope and eyepiece choices, well that’s my argument with the Finance Officer anyway. My local condition often limit me to 150x or often less.
  11. That is ompressive and thanks for the posting 👍
  12. When I looked at this last night, my tired brain did not equate the tiled roof structure as the one being converted. As @Swoop1 says... I think you will need more than lightweight tiles; the existing roof will be built to support them as well, That roof will be very heavy and possibly ties the whole structure together as well in some manner. In answer to you own question... Well quite a lot really, I would look at removing the roof, start fresh and tie the walls together at the top with a sub frame. Then run a much lighter rolling roof on and off. On a possitive note, great project, great ethusiasm, keep it rolling, but ask lots of questions before you act is my suggestion.
  13. So in summary, 'Gaps are Expensive', best fill them to take temptation away 😉 I will let @JeremyS lead the way as his gaps are bigger and more expensive than my own....over to you sir
  14. That’s a difficult one, it feels like it changes daily 😂 Main use case has 6 at present, but 2 gaps, Bino case has a fair few, Other places have more…… Sadly it’s a addiction, but to be honest a lot of the time I use just 1 or 2 in a night.
  15. Indeed they can, 😊, hence why we still have gaps, mind you not having gaps can be expensive as well!
  16. Problem was the box had a hole, so it let the clouds in! 🤣
  17. Thank you Peter, that all makes sense and explains it’s how it is. The collimating is just out enough to bother me, but not a new astronomer, so I may just leave alone. The aluminising on my one still at first look is spot on as well on the Primary. Until I acess the Secondary better, I am unsure. You made a fine scope, that has stood the test of time.
  18. I recently aquired a fine looking Astro Systems built by @Peter Drew I believe. Have changed the cast rail and made up with some engineering aka shed tinkering a normal vixen rail. THis now sits on my mounts easily. Anyway, checked collimation with my cap, looks ok, did a star test and its a bit off, not a full circular ring, and here the challenge begins. No obvious means of adjusting either mirror? The Primary is flat on the back plate, not obvious screws or access. The Secondary can be moved up and down, but how do you alter its inclination? The scope and new rail. The secondary. Can anyone shed some light on this please? I am hoping to use this as my take to my Astro Club and use with starters in the hobby as and when I can.
  19. The 'of the moment' EP case, but I do have other EP stashed away presently. But this is my 'in use' case. Deciding what to put in the spaces marked ? And which ones not 'of the moment' to assign to the Classifieds section...
  20. Nice Grab and Go scope Garry 😉 That is quite some instrument, I hope it serves you well and was worth the long wait
  21. Lucky you Dave, you got the cloud gaps and 90 good minutes. I was due to lead a club darker site session last night, but forecast was so off I cancelled it, then watched the sky closely. We had nearly solid cloud and only small clear bit was later to the SE.
  22. Peter, that sounds like you did indeed have a moment of good fortune in observing this. With that 150mm it must have been quite a view.
  23. You always liked your 10.5 XL Dave, nice to see one returning.
  24. That made me chuckle, and a very true comment in my view. Smudges are rewarding and how much of a smudge you see can be most variable indeed.
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