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peter shah

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Everything posted by peter shah

  1. The Witches Head Nebula, I'm not entirely sure I like this process. I was imaging late in the season and quite low down in the muck..I found this one of the trickiest images to Process .I thought I'd post it anyway. I may revisit it next season.. Imaged with the 105 f1.4 Sigma lens and ASI2600MC. 120s exposures a total of nearly 4 and a half hours. Processed with Pixinsight and Photoshop. Thanks for looking Peter Shah
  2. beautiful process with lovely star colour
  3. That's beautiful and an early one a sure sign the summer is nearly here.....
  4. Never the less its still a nice shot........it does seem that we get more clear skies on a full moon than a new one
  5. A superb image ....lovely and crisp
  6. The Summer is on its way ....seems to come around too fast
  7. Thats a serious bit of work Goran....top stuff at usual
  8. Not often photographed, Polaris surrounded by Integrated Flux Nebula....Its surprising how much is there. I took this remotely from Spain with the 105 f1.4 Sigma lens and ASI2600MC. 53x 300s unguided exposures a total of nearly 4 and a half hours. Processed with Pixinsight and Photoshop. Thank for looking Peter 👍
  9. lovely work Francis....
  10. When you put them side by side there is a massive improvement ..... That is a fine M51, nicely detailed
  11. I'd have to agree a very successful test
  12. very nicely done, great colour especially in the stars
  13. Thats great especially being able to pull detail out of such a tiny target...relatively speaking
  14. I totally agree Andrew, my comment wasn't aimed at anyone. Personally I regard a starless image as something I often do during a process, Its nice to such a clean results as I find quite often many artefacts that need to be addressed when I process.
  15. Just stunning work Andy you are a true master!...the skill needed to remove the stars so cleanly is remarkable.....even if you dont like starless images you have to appreciate the skill needed to do it to that standard. In my opinion it is necessary and has a number of uses, at least in serval imaging workflows I use. The cleaner you can do it the better the end result.... Superb!
  16. It was 4rs in R, 4hrs in G, 4hrs in B and 3hrs in L, so a total of 15hrs..... It was supposed to be 4hrs in each filter but I wasn't able to complete the data set with all of the bad weather this season in Spain. There was enough signal in what I had so decided to process incomplete..... I did actually process fully the RGB before I finished collecting the Luminance but decided to continue grabbing more for it as I though it would benefit. There is a clear difference in noise between the RGB and the LRGB... Deconvolution seemed significantly better on the actual Luminance over a pseudo Luminance I created showing less artefacts.
  17. Great set of images.... nice to hear the skies have been clear or you, I think Finland is probably the only other place that has more cloud than the UK
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