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Everything posted by bish

  1. I've been trying to watch Mercury and m45 for a few days but been clouded out that part of the sky.
  2. A bit late in seeing this. Superb. I've been sketching the moon since I was a kid and am still not very good!
  3. Really good. Gives new people an idea of what to expect
  4. Great image . I was out earlier today. I did some fairly ropey sketches and took even worse images. I do like WL solar observing, but there are 2 things that it really shows up 1. The floaters in my eyes just get worse 2. My optics are covered in dust specs and some hairs.
  5. Thanks. Think I will give it a go.
  6. Hi all I'm not sure whether to get a h beta filter. I have seen the horse head in a 10", but it wasn' t my SW 250 and may have had better optics. Anybody seen the HH in a 10" or smaller? Thanks
  7. Thanks. I live in Dudley, so can't be too far from you.
  8. Thanks for your reply. I will try an untracked exposure and see what that is like. I think all of the old sodium street lights have been replaced now, which doesn't look good for light pollution reduction.
  9. Hello all, I might get a star adventurer for star parties, but will need to practice at home under a bottle 8 sky. I assume I could use my AZ4 tripod legs. I've a canon camera body and a few lenses. I would need clip in filters, light pollution/narrow band. Should I also get a camera astro moded? Does anybody manage to get anything under really bad pollution? When I go to a dark site I don't want to have some clue what I'm doing. Thanks
  10. Thanks for your informative reply Don.
  11. I want a really nice wide fov 14mm ep. I like decent eye relief so my eye lashes don't stick to the glass. The choices are delos, pentax xw, morpheus or 13mm nagler. I had an 11mm nag that I regret selling. If the morpheus is really close to the others then maybe I should save £120 + ? It 2hat have to be a very close match though. Thanks Bish
  12. Hello all, I took a shot of the moon tonight with my phone. I used to sketch but find less time these days. I also had a decent moon map on my old phone, but not yet on my new one. Can anybody identify the craters in this pic? Thanks
  13. Hi all, I have a celestron power tank and have heard the charger that comes with it is not very good. Does anybody know a better alternative ? I will also replace the power tank later in the year (only need it for stat parties). What other suggestions do you have for something better. I hear Jackery are very good. Thanks all
  14. Unless you have double patio doors I assume that the base firs through a standard door way. I considered getting a 14" flex but think I would have to take the base apart to take through the house.
  15. I keep looking out for another varipower to buy for nostalgia (I sold mine when the mount broke). It has to be blue though. At the time I wanted a tasco from the catalogue because the ad said they magnified by x400.
  16. My first scope in the early 80’s was a print astral varipower (x25, x50 and x75 if I remember correctly)
  17. I agree. These programmes are made for viewing figures not necessarily a relatively niche group of keen enthusiasts. I will be watching Strictly thougj😆
  18. Thanks David. Most of the time (at home) I won’t use it, but have been caught at dark sites with everything dewing over very quickly. Just for extreme conditions when there is a lot of moisture. Thanks
  19. Hi all, I want to run dew heater straps on my 10” mirror, secondary mirror, 50mm finder, ep and telrad. I have a 7AH power supply but assume I will need more power to run for full night observing? Thanks Bish
  20. Really nice sketch. Must have been great in the ep.
  21. bish

    Sunspots 5/9/21

    Very nicely done. Far better than my effort from today.
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