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Everything posted by orion25

  1. Thanks, friends. This apparition has been wonderful so far, better than 2018 despite being slightly farther away this time.
  2. Hi, buddy! Cool YouTube page. Not a bad image using your smartphone. You'll get a lot more detail and clarity if you get a space cam for your reflector. There are some inexpensive ones you can get to start off with like this one: https://www.telescope.com/Orion/Orion-StarShoot-5-MP-Solar-System-Color-Camera/rc/2160/p/103029.uts Of course, the more expensive the camera, the better the results, but I get some good results with the Orion 5MP and my Mak. Since you're using a reflector, a barlow would help with the space cam to yield a larger image. I use one even with my Mak. A telescope drive will allow you to capture more frames to process. It's exciting imaging planets and Mars is really putting on a good show this time, being almost as close it was in 2018 and with no global dust storm this time. Good luck with the imaging! Reggie
  3. Another great night with Mars, features abound visually and otherwise. I was able to capture some nice details, including Syrtis Major, Hesperia Planum, Hellas Chaos and Arabia Terra (and, of course, the south polar cap): Only a few more nights until perigee!
  4. Doing well. Thanks for thinking of me. I've been dodging cloud trying to observe and image Mars. I got a pretty good shot a few nights ago that I posted in the imaging section (see my avatar). I'm looking forward to perigee/opposition this year! How are you, my friend?
  5. The clouds finally parted and I was able to get in some good observing and imaging of Mars. The Red Planet did not disappoint, exhibiting exquisite features and a well-defined, through shrinking, south polar cap. The north polar hood is evident as are several albedo regions: (180mm Mak, Orion 5MP StarShoot Solar System camera with 2X barlow, processed in Registax 6) To Mars! Reggie
  6. Nice detail there, especially that polar cap! I can feel your excitement as perigee/opposition approaches! Regards, Reggie
  7. The Moon and Mars conjunction taken from live videoastronomy feed at r.j.s. observatory on September 5, 2020! Cheers! Reggie
  8. Here is video taken from a live feed of Mars on 9-02-2020 as imaged with the Orion StarShoot 5MP Solar System camera through a 180mm Mak-Cass at the r.j.s. observatory! Mars is a'comin'! Perigee: October 6, 2020 Opposition: October 13, 2020
  9. Brilliant shot! I saw it last evening and then again early this morn!
  10. Thanks, Carole. I don't have the fanciest set-up but it sure is lots of fun! Cheers, Reggie
  11. An image I captured a couple of nights ago! Mars is definitely getting bigger and brighter, and so far is showing glorious detail! (Skymax 180mm Mak-Cass , Orion 5MP Solar System camera, processed in Registax 6) Here is a larger version of the image with captions of prominent features: Cheers! Reggie
  12. Great image, Pete. It is nice to be able to see/image more details this time around. Perigee/opposition will be here before we know it! Regards, Reggie
  13. Excellent, Harvey! Mars has been looking great so far. Can't wait until perigee Regards, Reggie
  14. Beautiful, Rey! All your work really paid off Reggie
  15. Gorgeous, image, Craig. It's getting closer and brighter Regards, Reggie
  16. Great image, Paul. Nice definition on the polar cap
  17. Thanks, Pete. How is the Mars observing?
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