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Roy Challen

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Everything posted by Roy Challen

  1. Nice links Andy?, I like the Pentax frac on page 1 - shhh, the Tak fans might lynch me!
  2. Looks awesome! You're gonna need a bigger garage...and gym membership? ?
  3. This is an interesting thread. It looks like a perfect ultra lightweight travel setup and I would certainly be interested if it can be used for widefield visual. Before anyone goes cutting one up, might it be worth considering using a combination of Borg adapter/mini helical focuser/short-light-path diagonal? I recall that Tak prisms and Tal mirror diagonals both have light paths under 70mm (nearer 60 for the Tal) and one of the huge range of adapters that Borg make must surely (hopefully!) be of use. I had a Borg Mini 60 achro a few years ago. That worked with a Baader Amici prism (the expensive one), Tak prism, mini helical focuser, T2 adapter, Lunt wedge and all of my then current eyepieces except 2 of my Zeiss orthos. Point being, I would be surprised if there isn't a combination of off the shelf parts that didn't work.
  4. I too had a SkyTee a while back. Easily handles a cpuple of Tal 100s (one on the top mount), as well as my f16 Skylight. Long cables definitely make things easier, and ADM mounts are highly recommended. Can't comment on the Sabre as I never had one, but it does look like a nice bit of kit.
  5. Not been on here for some time - been doing a fair bit of cycling (4800 miles so far this year), just popped by to see what's going on. Good to see the regulars are still here and plenty of newcomers. 

    1. Chris


      Hey Roy, good going with the cycling and nice to hear from you :) 

      Chris Lock

    2. Alan White

      Alan White

      4800 miles on a bicycle, that's quite some going in my book.

  6. I too used (still do) a TAL 100 on a EQ3-2 but found at high mags (anything over x125ish) that vibrations were borderline unacceptable. This was on a tripod that I made modifications in an attempt to reduce these vibrations. Eventually, I got a SkyTee 2 which was a massive improvement, then got a Takahashi 90S which is more like a HEQ5 or EQ6 in size. No more vibrations! Incidentally, my SkyLight (Prinz 660 - f16 f/l 1250) is a very light scope tube (but still 100% metal components) but wasn't happy on anything less than the SkyTee, and even on the Tak mount it still amplifies wind shake at high mags (over x150).
  7. I had the Baader Amici prism, in 1.25" flavour. It came with a second hand MiniBorg achro and worked well with that scope as a super RACI finder and ultra portable travel scope but it was very good indeed in my long focus achros. I would say that it was close to the Tak prism in performance but with much better construction and versatility with its T2 threads. Another item I really shouldn't have sold, I would certainly have one again but probably not at normal retail price.
  8. A great buy! I have one too - Prinz branded but given the Skylight treatment. Although the standard focuser works well enough, I think it is worthwhile upgrading to something more modern that can take 1.25" EPs. It's not a straight forward swap though. An advantage of the long focal ratio is that you don't need to spend £££s on high end EPs - my Celestrons give edge to edge perfect views. Also, they're not just planetary, lunar and double star scopes (although that is what they do best), they work well on globs and open clusters too. And they look great! Focuser end Business end
  9. Six Pentax including a 5mm XO - if that's deprivation I'd like some please!
  10. As usual I'm late to the party, but I do have the excuse of being on holiday for a week. Anyway, to all the bemoaners of the Moon, it's not so bad when it's the only thing visible in the night sky, as is often the case in Watford. Posted on here before, but it's the best image I've taken through a scope - I give you.........the Moon! Taken with a hand held Galaxy S3 (obviously Samsung's astro-imaging phone) through 76mm f/16 Skylight, 28mm Edmund Scientific RKE and not processed at all.
  11. Haven't checked in on this thread for a while..... and look what I missed! It is indeed a beautiful instrument, and mounted the way it should be. The Tal looks like the finder for the D&G!
  12. That's a seriously nice collection you have. I particularly like the 5 on the right, and the 4 on the left!
  13. Wasn't me Dave! I had your Prinz 660 off you last year- had it Skylighted
  14. Friday night was clear for me, but seeing wasn't as good as it could be.
  15. Blimey! You can read by that light! But you can also see the Milky Way, so it's not that bad
  16. Looks good in bare metal, I say leave it as it is
  17. Hi Chris, iirc your scope is identical to my Skylight 660(Prinz 660) and I used one of the adapters in the link below, it should just screw into the focuser tube. Much better than a hybrid diagonal, or the original adapter that screws into the tube (I think it's about 15mm shorter - takes up less in focus). http://www.tringastro.co.uk/vixen-adapter-364mm-male-thread-to-317mm-push-fit-5647-p.asp When the Prinz got Skylighted, I had the tube shortened to allow the new focuser to reach focus with all my eyepieces and a lunt wedge without the need for adapters. It might even reach focus with binoviewers without the need for a GPC.
  18. That's a lovely setup SkyGibbon, but tbh I'd rather have your spotless sky and gorgeous looking pool!
  19. Interesting finder arrangement on the Mak, Chris, I like it!
  20. Don't telescopes look so much better at night? I'll have to take a pic or two of mine soon...
  21. Helical focuser? I do like that eyepiece retaining screw!
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