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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. That’s really great. Thanks for sharing. There is so much nebulosity in that region in Ha, and I think widefield works really well here.
  2. Brilliant job - nice detail and that polar cap is really shrinking. Mars is peaking out here now after torrential rain all evening.
  3. Thanks for the detailed replied. As much as I don’t mind collimating now (since becoming owner of Tak Epsilon a year ago) I don’t like the thought of having to fine tune the collimation. I had hoped at F8 it may not be as critical but I am wrong it seems. What are the alternatives?
  4. Steve I appreciate the honest and experienced answer. It’s a beautiful scope to look at but I fear that you are correct - perhaps I’ll just stick with my old reflector for now.
  5. Hi Paul. I can’t see any images?
  6. Having tried to guide with a webcam my suggestion would be continue with the finderscope method (which is excellent for keeping weight down) and buy a used ZWO120MM for the camera. It will work 100%
  7. Guys I looking into a longer focal length scope, and the 10” F8 RCs look pretty nice. Couple of questions - is there much field curvature? How big of an imaging circle can be imaged? What do star shapes look like - same as regular Newtonians? The 0.75x reducer would give 1500mm/F6 which seems ideal for me. But is it enough of an upgrade from 1200mm/F4.7. My guiding with the 1200mm scope using OAG is usually around 0.5-.6 but could probably be improved, as this is just standard setting in PHD2 and I’ve made no attempt to fine tune it. My camera has a pixel size of 5.4um. Any input welcome Adam
  8. I decided to stick the lunt on the mount today after reading about the new sunspot yesterday. Nice to see some activity albeit short-lived with the weather. AR2778_28102020_4x.mp4
  9. I decided on a spot of visual last night, so much less stressful than imaging. I just looked at mars and the moon. Binoviewers with 2xGPC and 12.7mm EPs on the 10” reflector.
  10. Great image. Funny I’ve just literally tried using TDNAI too and it does work surprisingly well, I tried it on one of clavius too.
  11. Thanks Geof, and thanks for all the pointers and help you gave me. I took some videos last night, not as good as I hoped, but planetary imaging has a learning curve too, and isnt directly relatable to deep sky stuff. Cant help but see a face here
  12. Hello all I think this is the first time I've imaged the Moon close-up like this since June 2018. I had the 2x barlow fitted, which yields a 3.3x magnifcation, whilst waiting for Mars to clear from behind some clouds. The Moon wasnt clouded over so I just moved around the surface of the Moon, and chose craters that looked interesting. I dont know the names of the very many craters, so if anyone can help me out with the last two I would be very grateful, I think it's Longomontanus and Bullialdus. Very interesting and enjoyed this session of lunar imaging. There are a few processing artefacts in the images. Regards Adam.
  13. Very nice indeed! It’s an ideal area for that focal length.
  14. An neq6 is a very decent mount, suitable for imaging. As an imager, and having owned an EQ6 for ten years, you won’t really go wrong at all. It has a good payload capacity, tracks well, is widely supported online, has many users, and is easily controlled via a pc If imaging isn’t your plan, then perhaps there are better options! But since I’ve never observed I cannot give you advice there. Godd luck!
  15. I was able to grab this IR image through some hazy cloud last night at 21:41. 500/5000 frames. Are the focal length figures accurate in FC? Any comments re capture parameters? Thanks! Adam. FireCapture v2.6 Settings ------------------------------------ Camera=ZWO ASI290MM(57777461) Filter=IR Profile=Mars Diameter=21.18" Magnitude=-2.36 CM=26.5° (during mid of capture) FocalLength=4050mm Resolution=0.15" Filename=Mars_214109.ser Date=241020 Start=214023.874 Mid=214109.527 End=214155.181 Start(UT)=204023.874 Mid(UT)=204109.527 End(UT)=204155.181 Duration=91.307s Date_format=ddMMyy Time_format=HHmmss LT=UT Frames captured=5000 File type=SER Binning=no ROI=408x376 ROI(Offset)=480x472 FPS (avg.)=54 Shutter=18.26ms Gain=94 (15%) Gamma=100 (off) HighSpeed=off AutoExposure=off USBTraffic=100 (off) SoftwareGain=10 (off) AutoGain=off Brightness=0 (off) AutoHisto=75 (off) FPS=1000 (off) Histogramm(min)=0 Histogramm(max)=144 Histogramm=56% Noise(avg.deviation)=n/a Limit=5000 Frames Sensor temperature=19.8°C
  16. Very nice images. I’ve always been intrigued by CaK.
  17. I dusted off the Mintron camera, and purchased the PC control cable. It wasnt supplied with software, and I cant find much on my searches. Would anyone here be able to point me in the right direction for this software? Many thanks Adam.
  18. Sounds similar to me. Going to find Nina a try too. In fact I recently went back to APT and I really like it more than SGP too
  19. Possibly, I've seen this when I tried flats in the day time, so now I always do them at night in the dark.
  20. I followed the advice above and used a combination of a toothbrush, cotton buds - dust free ones that came in a photograph cleaning kit - and a cocktail stick, with some alcohol lens cleaner. These arent fragile pins ( having said that I havent tried the camera again to see if it's working yet! )
  21. During the 14 day clear spell in April I got lots of data. I still have 450GB of solar videos to process 🤪 Since then not so much
  22. It’s really funny I just posted about 15 minutes ago saying that I have one 🤔 I haven’t set mine up yet but I can’t imagine, from looking at it, how a smart phone would accurately replicate it.
  23. Thank you very much 🙏🏻 I think it’s 4. I do have an SQM I just haven’t got round to fitting it yet 😫
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