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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. I do love a solar time lapse. Well done!
  2. Rough and ready timelapse gif
  3. A few from this morning, using a Lunt 60mm and ZWO290MM camera.
  4. Widefield also taken last night with Nikon 180mm and QHY9 mono in Ha, with above image superimposed on it.
  5. I spent last night gathering data on this, but the data is soft probably due to the moisture that was in the atmosphere - I could see the moisture shining in my headlamp beam. But perhaps it is not that, and in fact using a OSC colour (Nikon DSLR in this case) is just better than the mono camera I was using last night for luminance. I spent a few hours today, and really couldnt add anything to the image. I did capture some 20 minute subs in Ha last night also using the ED80 and this gave me some detail in the red channel that wasn't there before. Image 1 - HaRGB Image 2 - Lum from last night = [removed word]
  6. Wow what a big refractor! All the best with it.
  7. I didnt realise the OP has exhausted the forum as a resource. I think on this occasion forum advice may be helpful.
  8. Forum advice solves many problems because many other people have been in the same situation and are happy to share the advice.
  9. I've taken a few sets of flats now with this set up - QHY9 and Nikon 180mm lens, using SGPro flats wizard, to expose to 30000ADUs (middle of histogram). All attempts to stack the data has resulted in over compensation. I am using the same filter for my flats as the lights (Ha) Any input appreciated. 1) calibrated 2) uncalibrated 3) single flat 4) master flat
  10. I cant believe you sketch these! Better than the photos I produce. Amazing as usual Marios Adam.
  11. I totally agree! My own kids are 7 6 and 5, so it's a case of get them to bed and go outside
  12. The poster has a Nikon 180mm F2.8 lens which is pretty decent. Hi Jesper I use the same lens and stop it down to F4.0 for improved corner stars. I think the Skywatcher Star Adventure mount is a good shout. You could easily have tripod, mount, camera, lens and all cabling attached in the house, and literally just lift it all out and set it on the ground outside and align roughly with polaris. The way my Nikon is mounted on the SA, I can still use the polar scope so can adjust it easily. Some AA batteries in the mount and a battery in the camera. Just plug into a laptop (though this assumes you have one) run APT to control your exposures. Focusing with that lens is a bit of a nightmare though and enough to put anyone off. I have a simple solution which is 3d printed and it works very well, I will post a photo if interested. All the best Adam
  13. Usually when this happens to me, I have inadvertently included a light from a different target. However the frames that are not correct are usually highlighted within the list of frames so easy to locate and remove. Has this happened or is it all the frames? Is it a mosaic or single image?
  14. I heave black masks, blue masks and a shiny gold one. All work perfectly well.
  15. I can measure the external dimensions of the case after work for you, if you arent sorted by then
  16. Thanks Robin. I’ve it fitted to the EFW, and will check measurements later. I ran it through the calculator and looks to be approx ok.
  17. Just to update - FLO don’t directly deal with this understandably. Ive just sent the package via FedEx which was not only the cheapest but also the fastest, and due to be there on Thursday!! I’ve insured it for the full amount to replace should it get lost or damaged - 2kg package £52. Its a large format focuser so cheaper to repair than buy new. It’s a repair rather then purchase so hopefully won’t attract import tax. Regards Adam
  18. Which one is the better design to minimise reflections?
  19. @Yoddha get well soon Ivo. I was emailing his last week and as usual prompt email responses.
  20. Be interested to hear if you get it sorted. I still get runaway guiding after a flip and have to recalibrate in phd 2
  21. Hi Nigella. Sorry I may have missed where you posted this. Have you a link to the thread?
  22. Hi Jon. Thanks for this. Looks very interesting, will give it a go. Adam.
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