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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Nice start with the mount That's a great region packed with nebulosity. I'm also in the camp that doesnt mind spikes (I image with a reflector so no choice here!), but sometimes camera lens spikes can be a bit overpowering. It is possible to stop down the lens using a step down ring/rings, so you leave the iris blades physically fully open, and close the aperture with an alternative method. The rings are cheap too.
  2. Thank you. Visually the middle one is bit out too, good to see statistics though.
  3. Single sub of different target below - the above stack of the Veil was rotated 180deg in processing.
  4. Firstly I'm very happy with how much data I can gather with the 268M, the new 3.5nm Ha filter and the Tak Epsilon 180ed. I've been adjusting the spacing and the stars look smaller, but this isnt consistent across the frame. Does this look like tilt? I dont have CCDI but I do have PI, is it possible to measure tilt etc in PI? Cheers Adam
  5. Agree. I had a couple of KAF8300 based cameras from different manufacturers and they were very much different. I in fact I also had two KAF8300 based cameras from Atik and even they had different noise profiles.
  6. Here is an image from the 18th of July. I took the Ha data with the Tak Epsilon and QHY268M using the 3.5nm Ha (Baader CMOS) filter, and the colour was with the APM 105/650 and ZWO2600MC (no filters). Total integration time 5 hours 47 minutes OSC = 2 hours 52 minutes (86 x 120s) Ha = 2 hours 55 minutes (35 x 300s) Processed in APP and PS C+C welcome.
  7. Here is an image from the 17th of July. I took the Ha data with the Tak Epsilon and QHY268M using the 3.5nm Ha (Baader CMOS) filter, and the colour was with the APM 105/650 and ZWO2600MC (no filters). Total integration time 5 hours 35 minutes OSC = 3 hours (90 x 120s) Ha = 2 hours 35 minutes (31 x 300s) Processed in APP and PS C+C welcome.
  8. Going by your present yield of images I'd say you are fairly well versed in AP, and would be unlikely that it's not focused. Somethings knocked out of place.
  9. Those are pretty bad looking, I’d be 100% sending them back for replacement. I haven’t really tested mine much, due to lack of astro darkness but I can’t see an impact on the image.
  10. I personally use a combo of 3D printed holders and Velcro tape which I think is brilliant as very strong and easily removed unlike cable ties. The mount helps too where cables can be fed through inside it.
  11. How do you guys stop the braided lines fraying. I bought a load of it but ended up ditching it as the frayed ends didn’t look great.
  12. That is very interesting. Do you think it might be from the paper packaging?
  13. Thanks for sharing your images. In my eye there is a halo with the oiii too in your images.
  14. Telescopes now seem to be marketed for imaging, so it’s undoubtedly a growing trend. Marketing blurbs that offer flat fields, imaging circles corrected to 44mm, optional dedicated flatteners and reducers, orthogonal 3.5” focusers, etc. The last two telescopes I bought I haven’t so much as looked through one single time. But I wouldn’t class myself as visual, or even as an amateur astronomer, I don’t even think I have a great grasp of my way around the sky. If people ask my interest, I’m always clear - I like to take photos of stuff in space. In my view, visual is diminishing in popularity. Im like @tomato, bought a 300P dob to try visual, ended up snapping photos through the eyepiece.
  15. It looks like a coating has been placed over a dust particle or crack on base material, not sure how they are coated but assuming after it's been cut to size. The supplier is sending me out a replacement set of filters.
  16. Hi Geoff This new filter has been adjusted to suit a fast scope, and it only works up to F3.5 (what Adam says above). There are 4 versions of this filter - you can get 3.5nm and 7.0nm, either for fast or normal scopes.
  17. Cheers Jeremy. Less than 3 hours data outside of astro darkness 👍🏼
  18. Here is my first image of the season with the Tak and the new "ultra-highspeed" 3.5nm Ha filter from Baader It's not really dark here but miraculously having clear skies when new kit left me no option. 300 x 35 subs = 2 hours and 55 minutes Resized 25% and starless until I sort of the spacing of the CC. I think this setup has a lot of potential. Adam.
  19. Here are some single 300s subs QHY268M Gain 56 Offset 30 -10oC The Oiii and Sii were taken at when it was still a bit light, Sii looks good, some halo around Sadr in Oiii. Any comments welcome. Adam. Oiii Sii Ha
  20. Stunning Richard, lots of nice subtle detail going on.
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