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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Everything has a low tolerance at F2.8! I think I might try removing the 0.3mm spacer that I added, I think the sensor is too far away. I think it's too far rather than too close. The curvature of several images I have measured from different nights are between 12-18%, which to me seems like a lot? But then again it may not be.
  2. Hi Stephan You do realise that image is my 'signature', and unrelated to the above post 😇 I've attached my 5 x 2mins exposure from last night below: Regards Adam
  3. Today I left in 8 versions of the same image (lighter, sharper, smoother, more colour, etc) on a memory stick to my local art shop to print out small test sizes and see which one looks best. I’ve found at home that what looks best on screen doesn’t print out best. I’m calling back in tomorrow to get them, I will update you if interested.
  4. Funny I took my first image this year of M45 last night. A great sight.
  5. I've never been entirely happy with the star shapes in the Tak, but until now I've been happy just to shoot with it, and enjoy the speed at which is generates images. It was pointed out that the diffraction spikes were not aligned the whole way across my image of M31, and on the left side as you look at it, the diffraction spikes are obviously separated compared with the right side of the image. I took at look at the focuser, and to my surprise I noticed the drawtube was actually loose. I was able to rock it back and forward 1-2mm which was not right. I tightened up the pressure on the drawtube and the movement was gone. Late last night I decided to head out, just after midnight, to see if this helped. I took a few images of Alpheratz, moving it around the frame. I've attached the images below. I also took an image of Andromeda with the mask on to help compare the focus of the stars throughout the image. I dont know if either of these tests prove anything, so if anyone have any input that would be great! Analysis of the M31 image from last night yields this in CCDI: Compared with similar M31 image last week prior to tightening the drawtube: Just visually looking at the stars they do appear to have an elongated radial look that suggests my spacing is too far out. I know that CCDI can yield inaccurate results, and that the results are open to interpretation. This is an uncropped image from last night 5 x 120s Should I remove some spacing or leave well alone now. TIA Adam.
  6. As Mark says you have done an excellent job. I tried myself and could not do any better! So I just turned yours the 'right way' up 🤣
  7. Thats a nice mod John. I use the same scope for imaging, a rebranded SW version. My rubber focusing wheel covers disintegrated and fell of years ago!
  8. Very nice setup - but I'm not used to all the cables now - the integrated cabling feature of the new mesu is something I really like. I'm trying to fit my solar scope onto the mount somewhere, as it's just handy having it all there ready to go. It did have a spot, but then I mounted another lens and camera there, so looking for another spot 😂
  9. ...And then it automatically gives you the option to turn it on for the mosaic as a whole then? I normally get that window that pops up and says do you want to do LNC again - is that the option to use for the mosaic only?
  10. Agree with all you wrote @Xiga, APP does a great job at mosaics. How do you turn this off for the panels?
  11. A master with the 40d Mariusz excellent work.
  12. Agreed - that’s super! One of my friends follows you Instagram and I recognised the style. You do a lot of MIlky Way shooting and beautiful nightscapes. What camera and lens were you using for this one?
  13. @Rodd I really don’t think you should leave. I enjoy your posts even if occasionally I don’t agree with what you say. This is the summer and astronomy slows a bit. Come Autumn it will be buzzing again and I hope you continue to post. Astrobin just isn’t the same as SGL. Your image is a really good one, colour and fine detail are exceptional, but the propeller Neb, for me, isn’t just that striking.
  14. Fab post thanks for this. I did notice on FB, where recently I’ve been on more than I want to, some (IMO) mediocre images gets 500+ likes and others that are simply better all round but less ‘in your face’ get <100 likes.
  15. @michael8554 @Davey-T I took a look at this today. The mount wouldn’t move in Dec but worked in RA (via the controller). I looked and one of the connectors was bent. I unplugged it and straightened it up and it started working. Photos if connector below. Following the instructions above the scope moved 100% as detailed above. I couldn’t see the stars as it was daytime but I moved to where I would expect eg Arcturus to be. Patchy cloud forecast for later so will try again later. Thanks for both your help. This is an awesome setup 😍
  16. I have the CD and have just downloaded the most recent Autostar suite, hopefully it includes all the relevant drivers.
  17. Such a delicate image, the stars are amazing points of blue light.
  18. Thanks Dave. Also can I select it in ASCOM, to use the mount with eg SGPro or APT? Is there a driver to download?
  19. Michael. Ive re-read your previous post and watched the video on the previous page and it’s clear I messed up on step c. This would explain why it didn’t slew to vega. I MANUALLY moved it in Dec. I did wonder how I was supposed to get it exactly on 90degrees. Im going to try later and will let you know. Thanks again Adam.
  20. Thanks Michael. I have it on a wedge and as soon as its is turned on it, when I press 0, it tells me to put the mount in polar home position. I have never used the scope in AltAz, and this is only the second time I've actually powered up the scope since it was bought. The first time I had it on a tripod and when I turned it on, it went through a whole rigmarole of measuring how level the base was etc, it seemed to be doing a lot of calculations. This time I have it pier mounted and it hasnt done that. The control panel points north and I have moved it manually to the polar home position by undoing the clutches. I have followed the instructions for getting it aligned to polaris, and it does rotate in RA, then I recheck the position of polaris by adjusting the wedge and confirm this. It is next that it doesnt go to the first star. I manually entered the date and time last night as a final resort in case the GPS was wrong, and still it did not work. It doesnt seem to behave like my older LXD75/autostar. It would have slewed to a star, then beeped and asked to confirm if it was centred. In this hand controller, autostar II, it says CTR. VEGA slewing..... and that screen doesnt disappear on the hand controller. It's like it wants to keep slewing but it isnt moving.
  21. I do like the processed version a lot, the pink nebulosity really shines
  22. I spent a frustrating two hours trying to do an alignment. I’ve just searched and found this thread. Im having the exact same problem as the opening poster. I align/centred with Polaris as described in the manual but when it slews to the first star after that eg vega it was pointing to the wrong side of the sky. It’s an LX600 with GPS. Any pointers appreciated
  23. Hi Richard, thanks for the reply. I quickly ran my M33 data through CCDI and it reported a 9% tilt. I then ran my M31 data and it reported a 5% tilt. I also ran an H alpha image of NGC7000 and it reported 0% tilt so I’m not sure what to make of it all. The Epsilon uses a screwed together configuration for FF, camera and EFW. I dont know where to start but will try and look into it. There is a tilt adjustment on the focuser but I don’t want to start messing with it without diagnosing the problem properly first.
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