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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. No prob David. You can use already calibrated files too. Sorry I don’t use PI sp cant help you but hopefully you can get sorted.
  2. I don’t think I was focused in properly. Im grabbing a few frames now and I think they look better. I Will post tomorrow. Not looking good for tonight though, very hazy but Just wanted to give the camera another run. Good luck yourself.
  3. Great catch! A full net of cosmic fishing
  4. In Astro Pixel Processor you specify sessions, eg 2019 and 2020, and assign the relevant calibration data to the relevant session. So it produces a set of correctly calibrated lights which you then register and stack. Is this what you are after?
  5. I have three young kids, I understand your concern. But we cannot sensor everything, where do we stop?
  6. I've watched this video a few times, I found it very enjoyable. I think it's very clever and well done with the humour surrounding the dangers of the sun. I would go as far to say that most people will see this for what it is - satire. You should not go out and blindly copy what you see on a video, that for me would be the shocking aspect.
  7. Thanks, more the issue was that it was 'in stock' but wasnt. I got delivery of one yesterday.
  8. Hi. Last night I got some data on LDN1251, and I'm just trying to get the luminance processed. I have attached a couple of versions below, and would appreciate any feedback. Also if anyone has time to process the luminance data so that I can look at the other versions, I would be very grateful, and will try to use this to improve my own techniques. I'm using PS to process my data. Version 1 feels underdone, but natural - I want to make the nebula 'pop' more without affecting the stars etc, but I cant manage it. I want a natural image, but end up with a overdone image - this is version 3 below. I've added another go, Version 2 below (middle) Raw stacked data attached. (The guide star was lost and found again at some point during acquisition, but it recentred on a slightly different position - so there are two overlapping panels). Thanks again Adam LDN-1251-Lum-session_1-1.fits
  9. Looks great Francis. It’s a popular target! Got a few subs myself last night or two.
  10. I am not sure if it's better, but I'll post the results tomorrow. Certainly I have a large FOV now though
  11. Thats really very impressive! That focal length seems perfect for M31
  12. With the diffraction spikes it really looks like jewels in the sky! 20 x 3 minute subs - 1 hour integration time, Tak Epsilon 180ED, Atik 383L+ mono. I just noticed a big dust bunny has appeared on left side of image, which was not removed by my July flats, and I have just removed the camera from the scope to fit a different camera GRRRR
  13. Thanks Richard. You can see from this sub a couple of nights ago that the stars look elongated on the right side.
  14. There arent many folks with the Epsilons so it's hard to get a lot of advice! It does make sense to have it centered. My experience of other scopes has been that flats arent always centered. This is my ED80 for example:
  15. This is a sample flat taken with the current setup and a lum filter:
  16. Lovely Richard. How do you incorporate the filter into the imaging train?
  17. Same here, ran my Tak on an old EQ6 and old PC before getting a new mount. I guess the skill lies in the processing 😂 I did get 4 hours LRGB on this target last night so I am very intrigued to see how it compares to yours above. I’m considering a significant reshuffle in my imaging profile, so really just assessing my options.
  18. More so the images from the Tak, stars are larger than I like, for example. I believe it’s pretty well collimated but again hard to know as I’ve nothing to go on for reference. I do use the Tak collimating tool which some say is good and others say not adequate enough. I swapped over cameras an hour ago and have my D800E ready to go for later. This FF camera will show just how well the scope is collimated
  19. Astounding! I’m interested in how much is the scope and how much is the skill of operator/processor! It really is quite spectacular, all these recent images from your RASA.
  20. Thanks guys. I plan to put the D800E onto the Tak this afternoon and try it out tonight. I’ve got a Tak to Nikon adapter now so spacing should be correct. I would not say I’m unhappy but I’m not quite getting the results I had hoped for. I can’t quite say what it is though.
  21. I decided to grab the camera for a few shots around and inside the dome as I was heading to bed after midnight last night.
  22. I was planning on shooting this again tonight, I wasnt sure if last nights data was any good because I developed an extra diffraction spike through the session. This is it here: ED80 R/G/B: 3300/2700/3000s 180ED LUM: 7560s Total time: 4.6 hours SGPro/APP/PS Thank for looking Adam.
  23. Nothing that I'm aware of, it was pretty high up being within Cepheus
  24. Great job! This was my 'todo' last night, but I ended up choosing SH2-155 instead.
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