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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. The exposure time can’t be the same for T-shirt versus no T-shirt!
  2. That is quite the image Richard! You are a man in control of that Epsilon!
  3. Hi Brendan. I can’t see these on my phone, but if the exposure was correct for each flat then the histogram should be in the same place for both. Was the exposure time with the t shirt longer than the one without?
  4. I just found a couple of photos on the Discover NI website, from a photoshoot earlier in the year, pre-covid, featuring my 10" scope and 15x70s. Quite a few scuff marks on the dovetail, but better to see a well used scope than a brand new one just for props (I hope)
  5. Make sure you let me know when you are coming, and I'll ensure you are looked after.
  6. Hi Goran - thank you. The jury is still out, but I think I'm steering towards the 2600MC or the 268C. Planning on binning 3x3 with the AP 0.67x FR, and space it out to around 1700mm FL, to improve the FOV and resolution. Hoping to run it in Sharpcap (or similiar) and do some live stacking for visitors. If I get to do a few night time sessions with it myself, I'll give it my best shot at some stuff at the longer FL.
  7. Some great news for stargazers in Northern Ireland! The new 'OM' observatory has been given recognition by the IDA. Davagh Dark Sky - Click I've been involved with this project for about 18 months, along with other members of the Irish Astronomical Association, although it's been in the planning for several years. I had the (unofficial) role of technical officer, and was enlisted with the job of getting the telescope up and running. I had a concrete pier and a Meade LX600 14" SCT and I had to get it assembled. I first set about drawing up the design of the pier adapter plate, and sourcing and overseeing manufacture of it. I did some measurements, accurately calculated north from the location, and drilled and fixed the plate to the pier, using chemical fixings. Three of us got it lifted up on the 8 foot high pillar without any mishaps - I did a lot of sweating that day! There were a few clear nights and I was able to set up the polar alignment and test out the goto. The Starlock system on that scope is really pretty accurate, and everything ends up in the middle of the eyepiece following a simple two star alignment. We are currently sourcing a second camera for it, so I'm hoping to have a nice new colour CMOS in the next couple of weeks to test out. There have been several photoshoots of the Observatory and the BBC were out on Thursday night doing some filming for a new show featuring Barra Best about places to visit in Northern Ireland. I was asked to be involved the filming, and although this was way out of my normal comfort zone, I went ahead with it anyway. It actually turned out to be really enjoyable, and the whole BBC crew were really nice, and also genuinely interested in the sky and the new building. OM Facebook - Click The official OM website is due to be launched tomorrow on Monday. I have a few photos that I took, see below, and hopefully you will get to see the inside of the building on the website. I think the building really works in the environment.
  8. The 44mm imaging circle is the big one that comes to mind.
  9. Hi Richard. I’ve attached an image I took of M45 couple of nights ago. There is evidence of mirror clips I think, but are there four instead of three on the 180 rather then your 130? https://stargazerslounge.com/uploads/monthly_2020_09/M45-600s.jpg.13a5c384788fbc86998ff67813b4582f.jpg
  10. Impressive! This is a faint one! Can’t stop looking now though 😳
  11. I’ve done the same. Kept cranking the gain up on the guidecam, wondering why I was having difficulty with finding stars, and then looked up and clouds!
  12. Thanks again. Printed and ready to locate when time is right
  13. 👎 well at least I have an idea of where it is now, and can look in the general area. Thanks for pointing that out, your diagram helped me find it.
  14. John, thanks for this, struggling to find it on maps myself. It's going to be clear tomorrow fingers crossed, could I catch the edge of it then too, or does it not work like that?
  15. Thanks, good to hear it is at least doable! Does the libration effect occur every month to allow it to be seen?
  16. Amazing, hats off to you, one of the best I've seen.
  17. Definitely that is something else! Well done
  18. I've just been learning about this crater, named after a Northern Ireland lady, Annie Maunder. It says it is visible due to libration of the moon, has anyone here seen it? Thanks! Adam.
  19. The ED80 I have is not spaced out enough, and all the stars appear to be pointing to the centre. I ran that through CCDI, and the curvature is opposite to the above. I have since added 1mm to it and its better, I think focus wasnt great in that session
  20. Thats pretty awesome for the moon out. I was testing some kit last night, and did a few exposures in luminance, and TBH I was surprised at it. Significantly more noisy, but still felt very satisfying. I did spend 10 minutes trying to get a guide star, initially thinking that the dome wasnt correctly positioned, then thinking the moon must be having an effect. It was only after I took a few unguided exposures did it dawn on me that I hadnt taken the cover off the guide scope
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