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Trevor N

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Everything posted by Trevor N

  1. That’s a good shot. I managed one very faint trail. It’s like fishing and you’ve reeled in a beauty !
  2. It was a good evening Pete. I think the HEQ5 would probably go longer at that focal length. Plenty to experiment with as the skies get darker !
  3. Thanks Peter. It’s certainly something I intend to do more of in the future. Much easier to set up and as you say the modern sensors are very good
  4. Thanks Lee. I must admit it was nice to not have to set a tracking system up. Time to lay back and scan the Milky Way with bins and let the scope do it’s own thing. Lazy imaging I guess !!
  5. Very smooth images Neil and lots of detail. I have similar problems with the scope oscillating at times but assumed it was just bad balance. Seems to occur more when I image in the Eastern sky rather than the West. It doesn’t always occur which for me makes it difficult to know what’s causing it Never a dull moment is there !!!
  6. Very nice image there Mike. I think the 4 inch refractors are very underrated when it comes to lunar and planetary imaging. I think this is a good example of what can be achieved
  7. Fixed a Canon 1000D to a SW ED72 and let it run unguided on an HEQ5. 28 x 3 min subs. The light pollution filter has caused some flaring and the flattener needs more careful spacing but pleased overall . The scope did it’s own thing while I scanned the skies with some bins
  8. A fine set of images. I like the contrast and detail. Hadley Rile is always a challenge but easy to see here
  9. I like wide field views. Looks very good.
  10. You’re picking up a lot of detail there Neil. Nice smooth images. I would see that as a success regardless of the Jetstream. Trevor
  11. Stunning images Neil . A serious challenge and encouragement for others in the UK 👍
  12. That’s a cracking image Mike. For some reason I always check the detail inside Clavius and there is plenty. Just shows what can be done at a low elevation. Well done mate. Trevor
  13. Thanks Mike. Yes, it’s with an IR 685nm filter. I tried without to see the difference and it’s very noticeable.
  14. These images were taken in full daylight with an ED100 and x2 barlow. I used an imaging source camera. Not the usual contrast but I was surprised at the detail. The seeing was quite good considering how hot it has been today
  15. Encouraged by the efforts of others such as Neil and Mike on this forum I thought I would have a crack at daytime lunar imaging. This was taken tonight about 7:30 with the sun still well up above the horizon. I used a SW ED100 and imaging source camera at prime focus
  16. Very good. Particularly like the video sequence
  17. Nice image Neil. Looks very smooth with the new camera. The moon is certainly a challenge from this part of the world at present
  18. Just too tired to drag all the gear outside after a long day but the moon did look appealing through the conservatory window but very low in the West. Taken with a canon compact with inbuilt telephoto on a tripod from inside through the glass window. Lazy I know but it’s a record and surprised me what these little compacts can do these days. All good fun .
  19. Lots of detail there. The 120 is underrated for planetary imaging
  20. They have come out really well Neil. You should be pleased with them. I like the colours and smoothness of the images
  21. You’re getting some good detail with the Vixen Mike. I know you have used the 140 for imaging both during the day and the night. How do you find the seeing compares between the two different times ? I know the altitude will also vary, but wondered if you have found much difference in how turbulent the atmosphere is, particularly under sunlight
  22. Just found this one Neil. Great animation. Trevor
  23. Very good images. It shows that you don’t always need large aperture for the planets
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