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Everything posted by bottletopburly

  1. I use Apt and more often than not don’t bother to connect to carte du ciel , you don’t have to connect to a planetarium software to platesolve in Apt though useful to see what your pointing at , I start off taking an image from the home position and blind solving ,after polar aligning sync mount then choose an objects from objects catalogue in APT that’s it use Goto ++ if you want to move slightly about using Aim button .
  2. Have you had it working before ? there is a update for APT one of the updates was due to platesolving not solving ,did you try blind solve first not solve .
  3. Very nice I’m sure would look great on a canvas on a wall 👍
  4. Recently changed to a Nikon D5300 I too read the above article and so have been using iso 200 results here on Orion and The Pleiades roughly both images have approx 8 hrs data .
  5. DSS has taken a back seat lately after trying Siril ,using the scripts so much easier that way than DSS literally a few clicks of the mouse .
  6. Flat frames should be taken at same iso setting as lights , I use an EL panel with a couple of sheets of A4 paper sandwiched between frosted acrylic absolutely no problems with flats now , turn dial on camera to AV mode before taking flats it will work out correct exposure and I take 25 flats each session .
  7. Deepskydad autofocus units should fit various adapters available ask Pavle aka deepskydad https://deepskydad.com/autofocuser3/upgrade
  8. I use platesolving in APT , brilliant, I don’t even use a finder scope ,actually do not even have one now other than a telrad , platesolving is so accurate
  9. i recently changed to a nikon D5300 24 mp(camera jungle) from a canon 1000D and use via APT ,Canon 600D are a good choice easily picked up secondhand fairly cheap.
  10. Me neither before, i dont know if changing to the Nikon D5300 from canon 1000D and or Stacking in Siril rather than DSS has helped or a bit of both
  11. More data added upto 8.5 hrs https://flic.kr/p/2hUXmgk
  12. excellent image stuart well done
  13. Can anyone tell me is there any benefits to be had from using a filter on a unmodded dslr , let’s say for instance a duo band or a dedicated 0111 filter, do they work for a dslr unmodded.
  14. More data added approx 8hrs same setup and processing as first capture stacked using Siril and processed in Startools @jager945
  15. Same here I usually shoot an image and solve and sync in home position using APT
  16. Startools can heal starts making oval stars round again @jager945
  17. the newer version comes with a dew shield, my mk1 i have been using a dew band though a piece of insulation mt worked well .
  18. I use a qhy miniguide scope 130mm fl fits on finder scope dovetail ,very light haven’t had any problems locating stars with a qhy5L -11c though when funds allow should buy a mono cam .
  19. If Memory serves me right you need a spacer on L bracket co you can access grub screws I used m5 nuts and longer m4 screws
  20. M45 x138min 3 min subs Nikon D5300,Tecnosky 70Q
  21. M42 widefield ,Tecnosky 70Q,Nikon D5300 , approx 4.5 hrs 3min subs No D2 filter used this time as messes with colour so will use for Luminance data on next session to see how that comes out , stacked in Siril processed in Startools 1.6 .382 ,comments welcome there are halos around stars that i need to look into but im quite happy overall .
  22. M17 redone same data as original ,stacked in siril ,processed in Startools
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