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Everything posted by bottletopburly

  1. No mains psu running 12v to pier 13.8v at pier 👍
  2. What I have done is I ran conduit to pier , at pier I have a box with 12 v to power mount , also a usb3 cable to pier from shed, at mount a powered 12v usb hub , shed has a mini pc which I control via any desk from laptop in house I have internet in shed via power line adapter , I have a deepskydad 12v dc hub on scope feeding power to auto focuser and a usb powered lead to power Nikon d5300 , I power usb hub off Mount as I did the power connector mod on Eq6 so use old power socket for hub power .
  3. I’m sure you need to use the layer mode I’m sure @jager945 will happily set you on the correct path in startools
  4. Iso 200 is the recommended iso for Nikon D5300 I use this camera too, it is iso invariant .
  5. Dropbox your image file see what others can see what you have hidden
  6. Nice work any calibration frames , what iso are you using , you could try Startools free to try , learning curve a bit easier.
  7. You could try a different usb lead first ,and how is camera powered battery or power bank just make sure your profile has your camera chosen from list and specify your telescope focal length and save , go to Tools tab bottom of screen you will see profile box .
  8. Had a second play with data seemed to have pulled a bit more out
  9. Rosette Nebula ,first time i have imaged it ,more data required soon hopefully ,3 hrs data 240 sec subs ,Tecnosky 70Q Nikon D5300, stacked in Siril processed in Startools 1,6 Alpha .
  10. Telegizmo cover a collapsible garden bin and currently in this weather two dew bands ticking over on low
  11. Registax is for creating an image from a movie file , you need Deepskystacker or Siril and use the scripts to make it simple
  12. For the Nikon D5300 the recommended iso is 200 for best dynamic range it is an iso invariant camera using a higher iso only introduces noise , processing will uncover the hidden beauty of your image , I’m using D5300 👍 not sure on exposure as I’m guiding on an Equatorial others may give better advice if you say what mount your using and if your guiding or not I’m assuming you aren’t , also calibration frames will help too darks and flats .
  13. What camera are you using dslr or ccd ? And what will be your light source this will help others answering your query .
  14. I would think asking chris on Eqmod forum group may give a more technical answer though chris is on here @chrisshillito
  15. Could it be seeing nosedived , I was imaging the rosette Nebula last night first few frames were good but noticed later frames weren’t so clear probably moisture in the air .
  16. There is also a beta version 3.82.1
  17. I sold mine for £80 not bad as I was given it 😁
  18. The older hitecastro eqdirect cables used prolific chipsets you need the cables that are fdti , if in doubt I’m sure @FLO will advise , I ditched my hitecastro cable and got a lynx Astro branded one for my Eq6 pro tbh honest it was a better made cable .
  19. My advice is to run pipe in to take cabling before you pour concrete even if it’s just for future proofing , I used 2” pipe but should have use bigger pipe something like 3” gutter pipe .
  20. Think I found the issue the remote pc only has windows firewall , checked permissions and some permissions were unchecked , now checked and seems to be playing ball .
  21. I will look at Anydesk website see if I can find anything, haven’t had any problems with powerline adapters , my cctv runs on it no problem, I think it’s more my firewall causing the issue .
  22. I could run a cable but rather not , the problem seems to be my firewall as it seems to work fine if firewall disabled.
  23. Direct via power line adapter WiFi disconnected
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