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Everything posted by bottletopburly

  1. I came across https://www.mantrapskies.com/ by Rick Johnson very nicely put together for reference, sadly Rick has passed away but his work lives on thought worthy of sharing . goto search catalogue http://images.mantrapskies.com/search
  2. That’s is very spectacular rodd well done 👍
  3. Sh2-112 , 2hr 48 zwo533mc,200pds stacking in DSS , processing in Startools
  4. A baader click lock is approx 30mm deep so should push tube 15mm ish further into ota I used one on my 200pds but changed focuser to a steeltack using a threaded connection but I highly recommend the click lock very well made maybe someone using a 130pds can confirm this if using a zwo533mc with a click lock for NT
  5. Well I’ve ordered a pack of 10 so no big deal I’ll see what it’s like
  6. I ordered 1.6mm dia probably come like car coil spring 🤭
  7. @alacant done it on his and recommended it so good enough reason for me .
  8. Found some on eBay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/124783634360?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=8wq7Z9toR0m&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=xQsxeo45SGa&var=425803802027&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  9. Does anyone have a link , I’m after some replacement springs X6 for the primary mirror on my 200pds ideally a heavier gauge I believe I’ve read in the past 1.6mm gauge. Dave
  10. Moonpig bespoke card for me used my images what a good lad 👍
  11. Tulip nebula over three sessions using a sw200pds zwo533mc LExtreme filter 7.9hrs ,stacking in Siril (script) processing in Startools.
  12. Hold shift and the connect button to choose ASI native driver or the ascom driver
  13. Zwo120MM courtesy of @FLO replacing my qhy290mm which is playing up
  14. Guardians of the galaxy maybe warpspeeding through space 😆
  15. Check the focuser is square to the ota Brendan first put the concentre in focus tube rack fully out then using a long metal straight edge line it up with the spider vane parallel to the focuser and eye the ruler edge with concentre body see if it’s parallel, my 200pds was out a lot which affected collimating, since then collomation has been a breeze .
  16. Ed ting , Lucmatico , visible dark , Dylan odonell, James lamb ,Astrobloke, Hogarth , iceman Astro ,Andy of Astro,Frosth adtrophotography,small optics,martins astrophotography,Russell’s astrophotography,Astro pilot,Mitch ,heavenly backyard Astronomy, Alaskan Astro,Astro Exploring, Exo photography,Astroaddict,Astrofarsography,
  17. Why not make a weatherproof box and run power via conduit to that with sockets for 240v with relevant breakers and house the Nevada in that you can use the 240 power for the lawnmower don’t use it whilst imaging though the neighbours will be annoyed 🤣 , I run 12v from my shed to my pier approx 16m run Via conduit and have 13.6v at pier using a Nevada psu .
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