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Everything posted by bottletopburly

  1. Thanks yes mine is rggb i will have a look again I thought there was boxes that needed setting up rather than simply choosing rggb which I didn’t see .
  2. Does anyone know or tell me what the debayer settings are I would need to input into nebulosity for a zwo533mc , I have been playing about trying to stack a set of images but no idea 🤷🏻‍♂️ what parameters to input . regards Dave
  3. One thing to be aware before purchasing a L-Extreme filter you get large halos on bright stars such as Altinak so pick targets wisely as I understand it is caused by the o3 channel or wait until manufacturers have solved the problem.
  4. Using Apt and focussing using inv power it’s constantly checking focus value and adjusts to suit so haven’t bothered fitting the temp sensor on my Deepskydad auto focuser.
  5. Did you know you can get anti reflective glass https://www.wessexpictures.com/cgi-bin/showpage.fcgi
  6. Can someone confirm the body diameter of the zwo533mc please.
  7. I used the foam that the steeltrack came with in box and cut a small strip , a silly design error , there is also a solution here not sure if they have a 150pds one https://en.rbfocus.net/product-page/adaptador-200pds-para-enfocador-baader-diamond-steeltrack
  8. I have the zwo533mc and it’s a game changer 👍
  9. I don’t worry too much about the halos , clear skies is my biggest problem lols 😆 I must try taking without the l extreme and using startools Narrow band accent feature to add the NB data to the wide band data just to see if that helps just need another clear night .
  10. Rosette Nebula 3.8hrs zwo533mc darks flats and flat darks , LExtreme filter processing in Startools stacking in Astap the darker version was after my lad tweaked on his iPhone to his perception of what deep space looks like,
  11. I have only just started looking at creating a mosaic in Apt and Just found this video on creating a mosaic using Apt I couldn’t see a guide on here so thought I’d post if it helps someone ,now you need Cart du ciel to produce the coordinates but once saved in custom objects in Apt then you could switch to stellarium if you so wish ,i dont think stellarium has this feature yet but cdc does and apt lets you import coordinates ,so worthy of sharing and the simlest way i have found so far for APT, now I’m assuming once you align your sensor to the grid lines in cdc (see video)you could mark your focuser so less faffing about or maybe you have another tip for aligning your sensor then add your thoughts.
  12. Try skytrack I think it’s £10 there’s a video to configure to Stellarium I will find it and add to post here we are , not used but I did configure to Stellarium not sure about alt /ax type mount . regards Dave
  13. Picked up a nice guidescope from a very nice man today @SyedT 👍
  14. +1 for the concentre initially I wasn’t too sure until I found my focuser not 90degrees to OTA , I’m impressed now 👍.
  15. Aperture mask from Deepskydad for my 200pds , fits a treat
  16. Dithering does not take long and benefits outweigh lost time , you can dither every other sub ,
  17. More data will definetley help nearer 4 hrs will help noise ,also if you can dither between frames will help with walking noise ,if posting the tif best post the file straight from DSS no editing done
  18. Also check the focuser is 90 degrees to the ota which I only found out was off on my 200pds , wind the focuser out fully put on any extensions then run a long ruler along the spider vane so you can see if focuser is parallel with ruler , mine was so far off I could see it was off without me he need for a ruler , only takes a minute, only doing this finally I could get the secondary centred and looking circular as it should be .
  19. On my 200pds I had this effect, the clips were the culprit it siliconed the primary to holder using a few blobs of low modulus silicone , baader cc I have using m48 fitting is 57.1mm .
  20. I use a qhy 290mm but is usb3 doesn’t work plugging into zwo533mc camera USB ports as they’re usb2, so may be worth going for a usb 2 camera to utilise the camera ports and save on trailing wire .
  21. Try guiding in phd2 multi star mode and 1.5sec exposure ,what rate is ra/Dec setting in pulse guide settings default is 0.10
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