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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Is that first one mounted a Meade 127 or AR6 and the black one next two down is it a Cr6 John. Cracking scopes love those big Fracs
  2. My LXD55 127 EMC with a Skywatcher dual speed focuser. On a EQ6 Tripod with adapter plate and EQ5 Mount.
  3. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
  4. A warm welcome to SGL.
  5. Brilliant report enjoyed reading that there is a lot to be said for the long achros they punch way above their weight. I love both mine in the last couple of weeks my 5" has blown me away with views of Mars. Thank you for posting.
  6. Nick (Cotterless45) is an inspiration to anyone who is interested in this hobby like you he has helped me enormously to the degree I look forward to getting out now and viewing objects. I was freewheeling not going for the right targets once put on the right road I am enjoying this hobby. I would love to get a look through your scope maybe one day we can line up with yours Nick's C6r and my Meade 5" to compare the views. Paul
  7. I have been contemplating doing a astro course but it's been 40 years since I did any maths to any degree I would definitely need a refresher course to scrub up. I have a o level in maths so you can see how long it has been.
  8. Use towels in the bowl or sink you are cleaning it in as said before be careful.
  9. And my Meade one is homemade using resistors I am about to make one from nichrome wire.
  10. In my experience we astronomers look after our kits really well so there should be no problem saying that it's best to ask questions why are they selling it how long have they had it how many times has it been used that should give you an idea of the person selling it.
  11. Mine has the 2" diagonal on with that low profile adapter usually they have a 10mm lip but mine has a 1mm lip which gives me 8/9mm and the few mm I had left, I did use a BST 5mm in and it worked I just got rid of it as I could not get on with it. I have a a 4.5mm and a 6mm TMB which I have yet to try but I have a generic 4mm that works fine.
  12. As said in that thread I had problems focusing with a 4mm eyepiece what I did was to buy one of these https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/baader-low-profile-eyepiece-adapter-for-steeltrack.html gave me a extra 8-12mm infocus.
  13. I cannot answer I always like or say thanks its just polite.
  14. Good luck with that I was going to fit a dual speed focuser but I was told it was very hard because of the way the tube is made thats why I got the bigger focuser wheel.
  15. I had the knob made its larger than the original one for fine focus.
  16. Did anyone know there are different focusers on the Tal 100rs There is this one https://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/propview.php?view=166309 But on mine its totally different mine has a rotating ring so I can turn the diagonal around then lock it in place.
  17. Got these stiff to put in and very easy to wire up.
  18. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
  19. That's exactly why I will be buying these much easier to make sure I'm tip positive.
  20. I am going to use these they seem to be the best option for me. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B081MWYT6T/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_k31AFbENN5F0W
  21. I wonder if you can get the pin out interfaces for the EQ5 it would make the installation much easier.
  22. I made a battery box a couple of years back and put two cigarette lighter sockets in but they are not that stable so I would like to swap them. My mount being tip positive I'd like to know what to get and how to wire them up please so I don't fry the board. Would like screw connectors makes for a better connection.
  23. Hi just a quick question I have made a battery box with cigarette lighter connectors I would like to change them to the XLR, s but as the mount is tip positive how do I attach these so I don't fry the board.
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