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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. I have seen two with my Meade 127mm Titan and Rhea I think.
  2. I am having treatment at this moment I've had some really dark days so can understand you. Hoping you can start to enjoy this hobby once again.
  3. Not had a clear night for two weeks now so Reading these reports really helps.
  4. I was the same with my Tal 100rs but I bought this and a little modification I now have enough inward travel at least 8mm more than I did easily takes a 4mm with some to spare.
  5. I have been to a few astronomy meets had one good night in Buxton but by far my best night was in Scotland on a cold October night. There had been showers during the day and we didn't think we would have had a good night how wrong we were. Come 8pm the first stars came out and as it got darker the more came out it was a sea of diamonds in the sky constellations like you have said were hard to distinguish but I managed it. M33 by eye was amazing clusters galore I had a 5" Refractor but I could see objects that from home I would need a 12-14" scope. Dark skies make a enormous difference.
  6. Great report glad you had a good night I myself didn't seeing was awful so it's nice to read this report. Thanks for posting.
  7. I set up I was fighting with my mount not going to where it should finally managed get that going. Looked at Saturn and Jupiter like you said John not the best seeing very watery swung around to M31 and it was a mushy mess so give up packed up that was 12.45am. Not sure if I have seen M72 or M73 I will have to check. No idea for how long but the lamp at the back of me that stops me seeing South is out so I can look there when I get a clear night Aquarius is beckoning a constellation I have only skirted around. Thanks for posting.
  8. Congratulations John who's invaluable knowledge has helped me quite a few times and no doubt nearly every member on SGL. Well done here is to the next 50000.
  9. Hi are those Helios Apollo the same as the Delta Extreme I have a search going on Ebay for either pair at the moment probably get them around £200 hopefully I have seen these but dont think they are the same. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/224527706129?hash=item3446e4e811:g:aw0AAOSwO-FgzL1Z Best wishes to Steve hoping he is fit and well very soon.
  10. Plenty of people use these with no problems its making sure polarity is correct on Skywatcher mounts its tip + not sure on Celestron. Another thing is how many amps does the mount use this will determine how long the pack will work many mounts dont like low amps. I use a marine battery inside a old toolbox fitted out with all connections usb port and a amps and volt indicator, I am sure once you get below 11volts the mount wont work but I could of read that wrong maybe a bit less.
  11. The only problem with the avx is if you have a long frac you cannot get a extension like you can on the Skywatchers. If the 120 will be F8 or bigger it could catch on the tripod legs.
  12. I was looking at one of those ages ago and was humming and arring then got the Meade 127mm but I still think I may have been better off with the 120.
  13. A warm welcome to SGL
  14. This may not help but always finish with right and up keys this will help with backlash. My EQ5 does this regularly and with other objects I suspect on the other side of the sky they are bottom and right in the FOV, other times it hits every target very near dead centre and I do the same set up every time. 1. Tripod out and level using a level. 2 Mount on check level again. 3 polar align using polar align Pro. 4.weights on and scope check polar scope tweak if necessary. 5 Pick a bright star in the sky align on that see what handset gives me go to that star Close but not that close. 6.once aligned I always go to a known object now this is where I have problems it's either bang on or up and left or bottom and right so I will either go to next object or press escape then press escape but hold down until it flashes up to centre object do that press enter. 7.Try a new known object see how that is but like you no matter what I do it stays up and left or bottom and right. I have no idea why these mounts are so fickle.
  15. I use one of these have done for 5/6 years never a problem and with dew strips plugged in, I bought the 10amp one though the 5amp will easily power the mount.
  16. I think it could be both definitely a dud pair just my luck well they were sent 2 days ago and heard nothing yet. When I put the details in it said they were out of warranty I've no idea how as you said have 10 year warranty and the lady who was corresponding with me said they have 25 years warranty. Strange when I put details in they said there was no warranty unless quite a few people have sent them back and they won't fix them now.
  17. I only use my Telrad for alignment once that's done I don't look through it again.
  18. My views during the day are OK at night the squarish FOV is horrible and for 10x50 binoculars I should be able to see the moons of Jupiter.
  19. I have a pair of olympus dps - 1 10x50s got them in December because of the covid situation the receipt was a digital one. I could not remember where I got them and with starting to use them in earnest I noticed a problem. Finding the digital receipt has been a nightmare my email is set up to delete old read emails checked everywhere could not find it. Emailed olympus with a few back and forth sent the binoculars off which I will get a email to say how much its going to cost or they will send them back either way not happy. I searched one last time and found my purchase order from Argos so screenshotted that and sent it off so hopefully they will now be fixed. The problem is squarish views noticed what looked like the prisms poking out into the FOV I could not even see the moons of Jupiter with them that's how bad they were. Here are two pictures of exit pupils they don't look good.
  20. That would be good Mike is there EHU?
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