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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Can I ask those more in the know please with my 5" Refractor could I see the pup and if so are there any tips you could give me to aid my view thanks.
  2. No not yet not had any clear weather and the forecast for the next few days is rubbish. Paul
  3. Got this yesterday to fit between my 25mm and 15mm. BST's
  4. That is a big Barlow but when I had my 200p it would mount like the second picture, With the 2" extension in put the barlow in and then the Eyepiece.
  5. I will have to try someone`s dob at a astro meet or a refractor on a Alt/Az mount see if I can do it. I even bought a upright correct view finder and still got lost.
  6. For the life of me I cannot star hop I get totally mixed up I had my 150p on the EQ3-2 mount for 18 months and was going to give up as I could not find anything, a few will remember M81 and M82 and the double cluster debacle. Otherwise I would love a biggish dob 14" say.
  7. For me I would if possible a 8" Refractor on a goto mount Ed glass or triplet best of both worlds apart from the weight.
  8. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
  9. You can also prevent dew forming by using dew strips/shields.
  10. Great report Dave I must invest more time on looking at the moon quite a lot to look at.
  11. I have never seen M51 from home in any of my scopes in fact not even a t a few astro meets apart from a friends 22" dob and that was outstanding, so congratulations seeing it a 80mm scope.
  12. Great report from south of the Equator.
  13. Great report Magnus I keep telling myself I dont need a big scope but posts like these always make me think, although with my light pollution a big dob is not worth it I would only manage get it out 2/3 times a year when and if I can get to a dark site.
  14. Thankyou Magnus that is very kind of you. Without encouragement and instruction from a good friend I would not be able to do the lists I have had a lot of help. Namely from Nick (cotterless45) Paul
  15. Brilliant Luke and a few of my favourite objects to look at in particular the ring and owl cluster. Paul
  16. Make sure you align the scope first on a bright star then align the red dot. My Telrad was out the other night so I could not see Saturn I managed to get Saturn in my eyepiece then I adjusted the Telrad so when I went to Jupiter it was dead centre in the Telrad and also in the eyepiece.
  17. I don't need a big dob I don't need a big dob keep saying it Paul the urge will go away. Wow I've only ever seen M51 through Damians scope that was amazing never seen it from home in any of my scopes I have had including the 8" I would have loved to to have seen those sights, then again perhaps that urge I want to go away would of intensified. Great to read Mike sounds like a great night.
  18. I was already set up as I had done Solar during the day Just needed swap scopes and polar align. Straight to Saturn no alignment pulled it Central lovely view two moons clearly seen sadly no Cassini division I suspect with the heat seeing wasnt the best. Slewed to Jupiter dragged that central all four moons two strung out on one side two close on the other side, dark banding evident but not to the extent I have seen. Next I did the alignment Arcturus which was very close. Next Altair only had to adjust a tiny amount onto Neptune. Cracking blue marble better in my 15mm BST glorious sight this is only the third time I have viewed it. Pegasus Enif (SAO 1270 29) Mags 2.5 and 8.7 with a separation of 144.0" Sadly not split I thought I could see a tiny companion but could not swear to it. 1 (SAO 1070 73) Mags 4.2 and 7.6 with a separation of 35.9" Orange with a red brown dot at the side 33 (SAO 0904 62) Mags of 6.3 and 8.5 with a separation of 89.9" Wide split with yellow and a white companion Σ2978 (SAO 0730 10) Mags of 6.4 and 7.5 with a separation of 8.3" lovely combination of Yellow and Blue Σ2841 21h 54 3m +19° 43` Mags of 6.5 and 8.0 with a separation of 22.6" Another Yellow and Blue combination Σ2848 (SAO 1271 96) Mags of 7.2 and 7.7 with a separation of 10.9" Pale Orange twins here Σ2804 (SAO 0897 92) with mags of 7.7 and 8.0 with a separation of 3.6" tight double this Orange/Yellow nearly alike stars 3 (SAO 1269 40) Mags of 6.2 and 7.7 with a separation of 38.6" Pale yellow with a off white companion ΟΣ 469 (SAO 0722 47) Mags of 7.5 and 9.7 with a separation of 27.7 although the secondary is mag 9.7 it is easily seen as a off white next to a sort of pinkish white star I did try 51 Peg but must of copied the SAO number down wrong and failed to find a triple Σ3021 which was a disappointment. Finished off with a few different targets and one new to me Blinking Nebula NGC 6826 this is unmistakeable its there then its not fascinating M15 just looked like a fuzzy no matter what mag I put on it. NGC 7662 with a Oiii filter this is a really lovely object the filter really brings the blue out (Blue Snowball) NGC 457 One of my favourite objects That was it a good night some nice targets hope you like the read.
  19. Brilliant Nick I will write some of those clusters down and try M27 and M76 next Time I am going to write my report up some lovely views and some disappointment' either copied SAO number down wrong or I could not see the doubles.
  20. wookie1965

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