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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Brilliant I saw M13 last night better than I have ever seen it using my 5" refractor other times just been a fuzzy last night it was great started to resolve outlining stars. I will have to try 6210 thanks for posting.
  2. Great report those 4" refractors do pull their weight.
  3. I have the same wedge !.25 version I have used both my UHC and Oiii with it to great results. Most of the time I use a Zoom on the sun but I have gone higher when trying to bring out more of the granular features. Here a couple of photos I got.
  4. Sorted it I loaded up "polar align pro" but did not select which mount it had Polaris in the 4 o'clock position last night using Synscaniit that showed Polaris in the 10 o`clock position ish. 3 star alignment second star a tad out 3rd nearly bang on. From 9.30 until 12.30 everything was in the FOV only thing that worried me was I went to M81 & M82, Jupiter was a lot higher than when I had viewed it before so thought I would look again. Now this is the worrying thing the mount started to move but only in one axis the numbers on the handset where still going, I waited for it to stop miles away from Jupiter pressed the directional buttons only one axis worked. Up and down was a no go changed the cable nothing switched off and on all working fine again so I dont have a clue what went wrong.
  5. Thank you all going to experiment tonight resetting handset and trying that see what happens I will know more then and can decide what's best.
  6. I have the EQ6 tripod 2" leg I got a adapter to fit the EQ5 on it. really I am now in two minds save and get a HEQ5 head or full mount or sell the 5"
  7. Yes balanced in both axis I have a routine, I set up the tripod level that, put the mount on check the balance again, polar align, put weights on then scope check polar alignment again then check balance I used to use one weight right at the end but found it was still moving a slight amount so now I put one weight at the top and one just about 2" from that and the scope stays perfectly still. I have had some good nights with it but only a couple of times. I'm going to try it again tonight and reset the handset as it said warning reverting to previous CE or something similar.
  8. Many of you may have read about my escapades with the EQ5 alignment, I thought I had sorted it with a new power supply. When using my Tal I can hit nearly every target so I presumed everything was ok. Took my 5" out last night and it was terrible 3 star alignment last star Capella was 1.5 Telrad circles out. I polar aligned using the handset as well just to get more accuracy. I am now thinking the 5" is too big and heavy for the EQ5 and wanted a second opinion please. Fully loaded with my heaviest eyepiece Telrad and finder it weighs 10kg According to a google search the payload is 9.10 kg so I am not that far over would this make a difference. Thank you in advance Paul
  9. I was just going to say the same thing as Stu, I have two 4" refractors not doublets but they give amazing views. Great report.
  10. What a great session and read I would love a big dob I am getting my 5" refractor out tonight see what I can get.
  11. ARY 48 in Cygnus is a new one for me thanks for posting this.
  12. Great report cracking read I'm hoping to get out this week. Forecast is for clear skies Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
  13. Just found this the cards are brilliant and a very good resource they would be great for newbies to show what they will see through their scopes.
  14. Brilliant read Magnus I am sure I have seen NGC6910 & M29 but you have reminded me of them. Can I ask did you use a SQM, I was going to try and get one but they are way out of my pocket at the moment. £200. Best Wishes Paul
  15. One for my lists thank you for posting.
  16. Who said size matters just shows a scope with the right tools can achieve amazing results.
  17. Brilliant report a cracking session really good read thank you for posting. Paul
  18. I told you not to get rid of it. Absolutely brilliant scopes my Meade now with the dual focuser is fantastic. I am hoping to get out in the week my toe is still hurting especially when I have trainers on, hoping it calms down its been over two weeks now.
  19. When I used the dongle I had to tell my phone to forget my own WiFi thus just letting it connect to the dongle and nothing else. Try this see if that helps. Paul
  20. When I had mine i made two up and put one at the back as well just to be secure, very easy to spin the OTA so the focuser is accessible.
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