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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Brilliant Doug I have wrote a few of those down ones I know I have not tried. I had a go around Pisces, Aries and Camelopardis last night going to write it up later only come in at 1.30am thanks for posting.
  2. I use a power bank strapped to the centre of the scope so not to effect balance and two usb dew strips wrapped around the scope I can slew anywhere with no snagged cables.
  3. When I had my 8" I saw the nebula with a UHC filter and a trick is to get NGC 6992 in the FOV if you have goto dial in NGC 6995 and keep looking through the eyepiece the mount will follow the curve of the nebula really neat.
  4. Do the directional buttons make the motors move, you have pressed esc a couple of times at the end so then you can go through the list, set up, utility, object list and so on.
  5. You have been my guide for many years and I really appreciate it. I am really enjoying my time behind the eyepiece, I will give sketching a go again next time. Seems I am getting the hang of this double and multiple stars lark 😄
  6. Got the Tal out tonight 1 star alignment and very surprised how accurate the session was. Σ1193 08h 20.7 +72° 24` Mags of 6.2 and 9.7 with a separation of 42.7" wide double Orange and blue/green companion. 23 UMa 09h 31 5m +63° 04` Mags of 3.7 and 9.2 with a separation of 23.2" Could not see the third element but nice contrast with yellow and green/blue companion. Σ1415 (SAO 0070 99) Mags of 6.7 and 7.3 with a separation of 16.5" Yellow and Ivory Σ1495 10h 59.8m +58° 54` Mags of 7.3 and 8.8 with a separation of 34.1" Orange/Yellow and Pinky/white companion. h2554 11h 03.7m +44° 20` Mags of 7.4 and 9.3 This was challenging but worth it nice pale yellow star with a Blue dot at the side. 57 UMa (SAO 0265 72) Mags of 5.4 and 10.7 with a separation of 5.5" Sadly I dont think I got this seeing wasnt that good. Got a white star but more mag made the image softer. 65 UMa (SAO 0439 46) Lovely triple here 6.7, 8.3 and 7.0 AB-C AB-D White with a yellow and a blue star hair separation. Σ1603 12h 08.1m +55° 28` Mags of 7.8 and 8.3 with a separation of 22.3" Pair of white eyes very similar to Rams eyes in Aries. Σ1695 12h 56.3m +54° 06` Mags of 6,0 and 7.8 with a separation of 3.8" Nice yellow with ash companion. Σ1831 (SAO 0290 74) Mags of AB 7.2 and 9.6 and AC 7.2 and 6.7 dog leg of 3 stars with a dot next to the top star Σ1795 13h 58.9m +53° 06` Mags 6.9 and 9.8 and a separation of 7.9" Bright white star with a faint companion. Σ1561 11h 38.7m +45° 07` Mags of 6.5 and 8.2 with a separation of 9.0" Yellow with a grey dot. Σ1553 11h 36.6m +56° 08` Mags of 7.7 and 8.2 with a separation of 6.1" Yellow and ivory here. M57 Could only see the ring with averted Double double had to Barlow my 10mm to get a hair split. Saturn looked good but only in my 12mm x83 could not put more mag on went soft. Jupiter this was the same as Saturn I got all 4 moons and just two bands on the Planet. NGC 457 love this cluster Double cluster looked amazing in the 2" 28mm as it did last night in the 5" I saw 4 meteors through the session. That was it packed up at 12.30 am Paul
  7. My son carries my stuff out and brings it back in I try to stick around one constellation for doubles then I dont have to move as much.
  8. All set up ready to go tonight. This is at 9.30pm
  9. Cracking report some really great objects there a couple of my favourites. M13 and M57.
  10. I wouldn't of thought so but there is no harm in putting one on.
  11. I was using a Barlowed 10mm giving x200 and the filters take a lot of glare off but the view is greenish more so with the oiii if I remember correctly
  12. Edited lol had caps lock on duh 😆
  13. Set up early trying with the 5" again, found out I had made a big mistake Wednesday night opened "polaraligner pro" and setting my mount so it gave Polaris at 4 o`clock not 10 o`clock as it should of done thereby throwing me all off. NGC 752 first time I have observed this and it is a really nice cluster. NGC 7662 One of my favourite objects looked amazing in the 12mm BST a very good friend sent me for my birthday. On to my main objects doubles. EI 1 (SAO 0541 38) Mags 7.3 and 7.4 with a separation of 47.1" White/yellow twins. Σ3004 (SAO 0529 27) Mags 6.3 and 10.1 separation 13.5" used my vixen 10mm barlowed for this gold star with a dot at the side. Υ (Almach) (SAO 0377 34) Never got the triple Mags 2.3 and 5.0 for the A-BC pair BC pair are only separated by 0.4" so no chance of splitting that, nice Orange and White/Blue contrast in colour. π (SAO 0741 34) mags of 4.3 and 7.1 separation 36.0" lovely Lemon with a tiny blue companion. 56 (SAO 0551 07) mags of 5.8 and 6.1 with a separation of 200.5" wide nearly identical yellow stars. Σ 3042 RA 23h 51.9m Dec +37° 53` Mags of 5.6 and 7.6 separation of 86" tight white twins Σ162 RA 01h 49.3m Dec +47°54` Mags AB 6.5 and 7.2 with a separation of 1.9" AC 5.8 and 9.4 with a separation of 20.3 If I am right this made a tight long triangle. Σ 79 (SAO 0368 32/33 Mags of 6.0 and 6.8 with a separation of 7.8" white with a lilac companion NGC 7009 I am sure I got this but with the moon being so bright I am not sure I did see a compact fuzzy so I am confident I picked it up. I looked at Saturn early and Jupiter but they where above houses opposite me so there was heat rising making seeing watery could not put a lot of mag on it. Neptune got this in my 8mm and could clearly see a blue marble. M31 using my new 2" 28mm this is the best I have seen it. M13 This was the best I have ever seen it in my 5" could resolve individual outlining stars. M92 very compact globular cluster. Double cluster always brilliant tonight especially. M81 and M82 both in the 2" 28mm. Now the sad part because Jupiter had climbed higher I wanted to take another look so I hit the button and the mount only moved in one axis tried changing the cable nothing turned the power off then on and it worked the up and down keys where fine then, I have no idea what happened unless the weight of the scope had made the gears lock but cannot see that as it moved after I had switched it off and on. Paul
  14. Brilliant I saw M13 last night better than I have ever seen it using my 5" refractor other times just been a fuzzy last night it was great started to resolve outlining stars. I will have to try 6210 thanks for posting.
  15. Great report those 4" refractors do pull their weight.
  16. I have the same wedge !.25 version I have used both my UHC and Oiii with it to great results. Most of the time I use a Zoom on the sun but I have gone higher when trying to bring out more of the granular features. Here a couple of photos I got.
  17. Sorted it I loaded up "polar align pro" but did not select which mount it had Polaris in the 4 o'clock position last night using Synscaniit that showed Polaris in the 10 o`clock position ish. 3 star alignment second star a tad out 3rd nearly bang on. From 9.30 until 12.30 everything was in the FOV only thing that worried me was I went to M81 & M82, Jupiter was a lot higher than when I had viewed it before so thought I would look again. Now this is the worrying thing the mount started to move but only in one axis the numbers on the handset where still going, I waited for it to stop miles away from Jupiter pressed the directional buttons only one axis worked. Up and down was a no go changed the cable nothing switched off and on all working fine again so I dont have a clue what went wrong.
  18. Thank you all going to experiment tonight resetting handset and trying that see what happens I will know more then and can decide what's best.
  19. I have the EQ6 tripod 2" leg I got a adapter to fit the EQ5 on it. really I am now in two minds save and get a HEQ5 head or full mount or sell the 5"
  20. Yes balanced in both axis I have a routine, I set up the tripod level that, put the mount on check the balance again, polar align, put weights on then scope check polar alignment again then check balance I used to use one weight right at the end but found it was still moving a slight amount so now I put one weight at the top and one just about 2" from that and the scope stays perfectly still. I have had some good nights with it but only a couple of times. I'm going to try it again tonight and reset the handset as it said warning reverting to previous CE or something similar.
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