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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. I have had a couple of clear nights but with the moon and not going dark until well past midnight I haven't bothered getting the scope out. Great read and the picture is amazing, Ophiuchus is low and and in the South bad position for me unfortunately.
  2. I only do visual when I had my 200p all I used was a Cheshire sight tube and a self centering adapter 2"-1.25". I bought 2 cheap lasers one went in the bin as it was uncollimatable the other was OK but not spot on. I think the self centering adapter is one of the best things going, with my Cheshire I could collimate in seconds even turning the Cheshire by 180° I still got the same results. I had some fantastic views through that I should never have sold it.
  3. I would love a Ha scope so I could see the swirls and prominences.
  4. Just reading through this again still amazed by the workmanship truly a thing of beauty, what is sad is seeing all the posts by Gina who always had interesting things to say. Hope your job is now sorted no more nerves about it and maybe one day soon I will get to look through it again.
  5. Tal 100rs, celestron zoom 8-24, Lunt Solar Wedge and variable filter. Galaxy S10 with a adapter.
  6. I had a 200p reflector much the same as the Dob but on a EQ mount, I flocked it to aid contrast and stop reflections of light. From my very light polluted skies I got M1 (Crab Nebula) this is hard from light polluted skies Bortle 8/9. but I was well dark adapted. M81 and M82 were easy as was M31, M57 Ring Nebula and M27 Dumbbell Nebula. Clusters M13 and M92 another cluster in Hercules which doesn't get enough attention because of its big brother. Double cluster NGC 869 & NGC 884 and one of my favourites The Owl or ET cluster NGC 457 once you see this you will know why its called this. When I went to Buxton maybe bortle 4/5 I picked up some amazing thigs Blue snowball NGC7662 the Whale and Hockey stick galaxies NGC 4631 and NGC 4656. Just take your time as said get used to the best magnifications for objects most will be grey smudges but some you do get colour especially double and multiple stars, make sure the scope is cooled and your dark adapted these things will pop out at you and you will be eager for the next session. Good luck Paul
  7. Going through my groups on Facebook I found this gentleman's home built 34" F2.89, wow I bet you will get some great views through this.
  8. Thank you I will let you know when I get a focuser.
  9. If I get a focuser could you make me one I will pay for all materials and time, as you live not to far if you are agreeable I could pop down and if you didn't mind help me fit it please.
  10. Did you make the adapter plate yourself.?
  11. Thanks Mike really appreciate your I put looks like I am saving for the baader now 😄 Paul
  12. Sorry to jump on this but what do people think about the Celestron 8-24mm, I have found very good although I have nothing to compare it with.
  13. It was a 6mm TMB with Tal 2x Barlow, I have took pictures with a phone all solar not tried night time, I have mostly sketched double stars mostly. Paul
  14. Hi Trevor, Yes it was pin sharp as I said it was a still night very good seeing. I made a sketch of what I saw but I'm no artist I'm sure I still have it somewhere.
  15. I have barlowed a 6mm giving x333 on Mars it was a really still night and I could see the ice caps clearly and surface features.
  16. Thank you for replying and posting the link looks really interesting. I use a 2" diagonal on my 100rs had a bit of trouble with higher mag eyepieces so I got a different 2-1.25mm adapter. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/baader-low-profile-eyepiece-adapter-for-steeltrack.html Had no problem since. Paul
  17. Just to jump on this how hard was it to align the focuser once you swapped it. I'm thinking of using a skywatcher dual focuser with mine I just need a adapter plate making do you think this would be easy to do please. Best Wishes Paul
  18. Right that looks like the original R&P I thought you have fitted a different one. I fitted a skywatcher dual focuser to my Meade 127mm. I have fitted a bigger focuser wheel to the TAL to aid fine focus.
  19. Dave did you fit the 2" R&P focuser if so could you please pm me how you did it as I would like to do that with mine. Cheers Paul
  20. A warm welcome to SGL
  21. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
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