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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. By disengaging any Axis I am going to have to align again I am trying to avoid doing this thanks.
  2. So if I press < and > depending on which was sends the scope West the will be the answer.
  3. I want to start sketching double and multiple stars again. After reading many explanations I am still confused as to label my sketches to the cardinal points I will be using a refractor with a diagonal. As I use a goto mount I cannot just switch off and let the stars drift through the eyepiece thus giving me West then knowing North is 90° clockwise. So can someone please tell me or show me in simple terms how to do it I am sure when I find out I will kick myself. I have typed it in google and gone through the list From all the astronomical sites and I am more confused thank you in advance. Paul
  4. I swear by these my boots are a size bigger so these are brilliant in them. https://www.amazon.co.uk/MERIWOOL-Merino-Hiking-Socks-Women/dp/B085LTXBD5/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?keywords=merino+wool+socks&qid=1679257938&sr=8-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
  5. Went to Galloway star party 4.5 hrs drive started to unpack found we had not brought our clothes with us all we had was what we came in no thermals nothing.
  6. Wow what a session really glad it is all working for you.
  7. What a session some great objects there Tegmine especially lovely triple when you can split it. Was Leo not available to you the trio would have been good to see.
  8. I would love to put a dual speed focuser on my Tal, Looks lovely a bit of cosmetics and it will top notch.
  9. Wish I had a 10 minute walk to get a dark site it's looking like at least a 45minute drive to an hour and a half. I am so jealous you got M65 and M66 I have not even got them in my 10" from home. Great read thank you for posting. Paul
  10. I never thought of putting it a bit further back, there is no finder on these models just the RDF but if I move the Telrad back I could put the shoe back on and buy a finder even a skywatcher one will fit thank you everyone.
  11. I have a Celestron zoom and a Meade both 8-24 I use them mostly for aligning the mount and solar.
  12. 2cm that's all I did want it next to the focuser but I would have to put it the other side and then its going to be under the tube. I have put it in the same place where the RDF was just hoping that will do. Paul
  13. I have swapped the RDF on my Celestron starsense 10" dob. But I think it needs moving to nearer the focuser what do people think especially those with dobs please.
  14. If you use a compass and point the mount bang on North with that the handset has a solar tracking setting on it. Only need to tweak every now and again. I tracked mercury from one side to the other no problem.
  15. My first mount you can fill the legs with play sand keep tapping the legs so its compact that will help and you can hang a weight 2kg from the spreader plate.
  16. Sadly I wont make it, need a new thermostat I have ordered it thought it would be here today so I could of fitted it but I have been let down. If it comes tomorrow going take me at least an hour fi it and then a 2.5 hr drive I wont make it.😭
  17. I bought a 10" Dob so I could see Messiers from home sadly I have not had any improvement. I am in the process of trying a couple of places with Bortle 3/4 within 45 mins of me, when I have really clear skies I will take the dob out. When I have not got really good skies I will sat at home Bortle7/8 and use my Tal 100rs and look at double and multiple star systems and clusters.
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