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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Well people bad luck has struck again car is getting hot just blowing hot air with the temperature needle not moving. I think its the thermostat but after paying £160 for a pair of tyres and a cable that informs me my brakes are getting low Vauxhall only £75 I'm skint. I get paid on the 18th so I am going have to wait until then any long journeys are off in case its the head gasket I hope not means throwing another £1000 at a 18yr old car.
  2. Brilliant thanks Peter I am only the second user I am seriously thinking of selling the 10" 8 have too much light pollution.
  3. If I was to sell my 10" Starsense dob would the original code work on the new owners phone.
  4. I wouldn't mind just a pair of fuzzies but to see nothing is disappointing. Hopefully I can find a dark site within a hour of me.
  5. I lined the scope up dead right objects right in middle, Yes clusters looked good maybe only using the 25 mm was part of the problem. When I had my 8" reflector on the EQ5 I never saw the trio or M51 so it maybe more my light pollution than anything else. I am checking a place out 45mins away to see what that is like, if I cannot find a place I may well sell the dob and get a new to me mount then save for a good 5" or 6" refractor.
  6. I haven't had a good time with mine whether it was the seeing or transparency I was out Friday night M42 looked brilliant even in the 25mm but when I went to M65 nothing nada nought same with M51, I would have thought a 10" would at least of showed something.
  7. I would get a better mount and a 6" refractor, I thought getting the 10" dob would with my Tal be the equipment I wanted but I am having second thoughts about the dob now.
  8. I sent from shadow foam for my flight case much better than pluck stuff.
  9. A warm welcome back to SGL
  10. A warm welcome back to SGL
  11. It has been a cracker down to 1.2° split not bad for a 4"
  12. Strange mine has a blueish coating not like in Dave`s post that looks like there is no coatings.
  13. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
  14. Just checked my 100rs had it for quite a few years after buying it off "Nightfisher" it seems to have the TAL R lens if the coloured coatings only appeared on the TAL R. I have a 2" diagonal but with a 1.25" adapter that gives me a extra 10mm in focus, https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/baader-low-profile-eyepiece-adapter-for-steeltrack.html
  15. BST Starguiders are very good and don't break the bank.
  16. Brilliant Nick I could not split Tegmine higher mag and the view was soft not sharp, I must start sketching again really enjoy sitting there quietly drawing.
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