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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. My experience of LED lighting is not so good. The second image is what they put on when I complained.
  2. I posted it from my phone on there I realised my mistake and deleted it how or why it stayed on I have no idea.
  3. This is from the Sky at Night now what's on the back of his refractor please so I can price them up. PXL_20230617_063933622.TS.mp4
  4. Took this at 4.10am nice crescent moon with Jupiter with a pixel 7 pro wow this phone is good no telescope just the phone.
  5. I already have a Herschel wedge I would like to see proms
  6. Yes you have I keep checking Ikea unfortunately not got any seen a couple on ebay similar but want £90 not paying that lol.
  7. Love that stool I've been looking for one like that for a few months now.
  8. Can you get one of these to fit on a 4" refractor I was watching Sky At Night this morning and Pete Lawrence had one on his just wanted to see if I could get one thanks.
  9. Absolutely roasting here and being a red head I'm not going out I'd need a radiation suit.
  10. I have read those but when I did my 8" many years ago the difference was very noticeable deep sky objects where a lot easier to spot such as the Ring Nebula Contrast was totally different that's why I have done it to this.
  11. Doesn't matter if it is wrinkled to be honest it will work anyway..
  12. It was easier than I thought did take two of us one at the front and one at the back. Took the primary mirror out and took the focuser off but being big my son could get his hands through the spider to do it. Two roles of flocking 1 metre long 45cms wide
  13. New springs eventually turned up much better now and flocked the tube.
  14. A phone mount I have had several but this is the best i have used. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fm.media-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F71-Y5D6nGLL.jpg&tbnid=MHqv6CmXR2rwbM&vet=12ahUKEwj60ZzUq7P_AhW2micCHT88AlQQMygiegUIARCLBA..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.co.uk%2FTelescope-Unviersal-Compatible-Binoculars-Smartphone-Photo-Adapter%2Fdp%2FB08YWV7V8C&docid=0puw0dZuxKNxhM&w=1600&h=1600&q=smartphone adapter for telescope&ved=2ahUKEwj60ZzUq7P_AhW2micCHT88AlQQMygiegUIARCLBA
  15. Took these yesterday with my Tal 100rs, Herschel wedge, continuum filter 15mm BST and a galaxy S10.
  16. A picture from yesterday with my phone a Tal 100rs, Herschel wedge and 15mm BST with a continuim filter.
  17. Got this yesterday so now I am mobile a lot easier than dragging my battery box out with the leisure battery in. (going to sell it) Cannot wait try it I will do some solar later if the sun comes out supposed to be coming out at 1pm according to metoffice.
  18. I was looking for this power supply unfortunately FLO had non in stock but Grover optics did and with delivery it was only £96.99. Bought it on Sunday received notification they were preparing it to be shipped yesterday, today about 4.30pm knock on the door it was the parcel. Packaged very good brand new in a sealed box but the service was excellent and the communication was the same I would use these again.
  19. I used it on the moon last night just the edge but the view of the craters as I went higher mag was brilliant there was a few thermals but it was clear and sharp glad I got it now. Tried it on my solar set up but wasnt enough inward travel I could not focus unless that was the fault of the wedge.
  20. I wish I had seen this before I ordered the celestron LT from grover optics thank you anyway.
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