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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. The others I get by with taking oxycontin but my thumb is really hurting. I am waiting for a epidural injection for my spine. I am trying not to have anymore ops if I can.
  2. Ohh I have it in my spine my shoulders elbows knees and hip had two ops on shoulder and two on elbow. I didn't expect to get it in my hands or fingers it's so painful.
  3. Thumb been giving me jip for a couple of months managed to get in docs. Sent me for a xray then called me in severe arthritis in it recommended this for a week or two try and settle it down. [removed word] off to say the least.
  4. Nice UOVT 12.5mm from Steve (Saganite) cannot wait to try it.
  5. If I could collimate my laser Its not far off it would make life easier with the 10". I have a cap and a Cheshire/sight-tube and just got a 1.25" Concentre Has anyone tried one of these.
  6. That`s a shame I have a 10" dob now, its the weather that puts me off going all that way and not get a clear night although I would love to catch up and meet other astronomers.
  7. I have a TV 11mm it's one of my goto eyepieces so clear and bright.
  8. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
  9. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
  10. Did you get any clear nights with your scope I saw a couple of pictures of the aurora.
  11. Make a dew shield dead easy get a couple of files from poundland take the black plastic off then cut to shape out. Strong double sided tape and bobs your uncle.
  12. Just my two pennorth I have just bought a 10" dob it had a red dot finder I have now taken that off and put a Telrad on with a riser for better position. You would have to be careful with a laser so it doesn't interfere with aircraft.
  13. That makes more sense thank you easy to follow guide.
  14. If you have a laser collimator put a piece of paper over the front, now check where the dot lands without the diagonal spin 180° check again then do the same with the diagonal you will see if they are out. With my Tal obviously different to a ED I loosened the retaining ring then slapped hard on the cell all the way round that seemed to get the crown and flint aligned whether you can do that I am not sure. Paul
  15. By disengaging any Axis I am going to have to align again I am trying to avoid doing this thanks.
  16. So if I press < and > depending on which was sends the scope West the will be the answer.
  17. I want to start sketching double and multiple stars again. After reading many explanations I am still confused as to label my sketches to the cardinal points I will be using a refractor with a diagonal. As I use a goto mount I cannot just switch off and let the stars drift through the eyepiece thus giving me West then knowing North is 90° clockwise. So can someone please tell me or show me in simple terms how to do it I am sure when I find out I will kick myself. I have typed it in google and gone through the list From all the astronomical sites and I am more confused thank you in advance. Paul
  18. I swear by these my boots are a size bigger so these are brilliant in them. https://www.amazon.co.uk/MERIWOOL-Merino-Hiking-Socks-Women/dp/B085LTXBD5/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?keywords=merino+wool+socks&qid=1679257938&sr=8-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
  19. Went to Galloway star party 4.5 hrs drive started to unpack found we had not brought our clothes with us all we had was what we came in no thermals nothing.
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