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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. I'm all set up for trying guiding tonight. Sky is clear with no haze. Had to abandon the ASI 120MC-S as it wasn't working. Recognised but wouldn'i capture an image. I'll take a look at it later. Put ASI 174MM on instead and refocused for that.
  2. I haven't yet tried guiding since it failed to work a while ago but plan to to try again when we get the next clear night. Maybe tonight.
  3. About to try guiding again and wondering if the ASI 174MM would be better than the ASI 120MC-S for guiding with 200mm f4 lens for my dual imaging rig using 105mm lenses with ASI 1600MM-Cool imaging cameras. I bought the 174 for solar Ha imaging but won't want to use it until later so have it available doing nothing ATM. Differences are mono v colour, more pixels and bigger pixels - IOW bigger sensor. ASI 120MC-S ASI 174MM
  4. New matching back top clamp.
  5. Improved design for bottom part.
  6. Checking fit and other things.
  7. Mine sees to need attention every other day!!
  8. Here are the designs modified to clear the ZWO EFWmini filter wheel that is attached to one camera.
  9. If I don't touch it, it probably won't hurt me. Well, that's my excuse 🤣
  10. Yes, think you're right...
  11. I doubt you'll find anything useful in Thingiverse.
  12. Have designed and now printing a new mounting for the imaging cameras. This is the bottom part.
  13. This follows on from my thread "Thoughts on which imaging rigs to concentrate on" in "Imaging - Discussion" forum as I believe the build would be better described here.
  14. Yes, very nice indeed.
  15. Unusual colour scheme - lovely image though - well done
  16. I've 3D printed lots of astro things and would be quite happy to publish STL files. Most of Thingiverse is rubbish.
  17. Well done! I look forward to seeing the results.
  18. Sky without contrails - lovely! 😀
  19. I agree with not repainting it and keeping the original look. Looks an interesting project. Yes, replace the drive motors with something like NEMA 17s.
  20. Being on the crossing of 3 airline routes here, the reduction in contrails should certainly be good - when we get some clear skies. UM... Clear skies??? Wassat?? Might see the odd star or two on Sunday night...
  21. I have cataracts coming and I have noticed a considerable deterioration in my sight.
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