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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. The plastic grids are doing a good job even though the ground isn't very level.
  2. The River Otter broke it's banks too!! But others have suffered far worse. The devastation I've see on the news is dreadful!!!
  3. I have been very pleased with ZWO cameras - I have 2 ASI1600MM-Cool and a number of others. Changing to ZWO for my astro cameras was the best thing I did.
  4. That's amazing and beautiful.
  5. Still to be done :- Finish focuser parts for second lens. Complete electronics for second camera and focuser. Enclosure for electronics. Dew shield for second lens. Dew heater for second dew shield. Dew shield for guide lens.
  6. Nothing here either.
  7. A clear moonless night is what I need too!!
  8. I like these lenses very much, they are superb. You certainly need a camera to do astro-photography just as you do for any photography but a cooled astro camera is needed to get good results from astro imaging.
  9. Yes, my current imaging computer is a single board computer - Raspberry Pi. But before that I was running a Windows laptop headless in my observatory.
  10. I have been running my imaging computer headless for years! All control is from indoors except for taking darks or flats which I haven't automated (yet). OTOH I'm not running Windows as you know.
  11. Had another go at post-processing. It really needs a lot more OIII data and some SII would improve colours too.
  12. I have daffodils out and there are snowdrops on the roadsides too.
  13. That's an amazing transformation considering the tiny amount of OIII data.
  14. Monoceros widefield with 105mm f2.8 Asahi Takumar lens, ASI1600MM-Cool camera and Astrodon 3nm Ha filter. FoV 13° x 10°. 146m integration time. Processed in PixInsight.
  15. I'll add also that it's difficult to predict accurately all the extra you need for corners etc. and all to easy to underestimate how much you need.
  16. HistogramTransformation in PI allows you to individually alter gain and offset for colours individually plus all three together, making it easy enough to set the black level in each colour to balance the background colour. I don't really understand what LinearFit achieves. I will add though that I'm far from expert in PI and still very much learning.
  17. Yes, not worth risking finding out you haven't got quite enough. I went for a size up on my rubber roofing. Far better to have some over than not enough.
  18. I've found the offcuts very useful too.
  19. This needs further processing to remove the background gradient which has been caused by the nearby moon.
  20. No, because the FoV of the guide lens is quite narrow (relatively).
  21. Mine is attached to the side of my observatory and uses the main 13.8v supply which is inside. Voltage is dropped to 5v with a buck converter in the ASC enclosure. Unfortunately that's not much help to you though. I do suggest keeping mains voltage in the dry and running (say) 12v to your ASC.
  22. First imaging run with this rig last night, processed today in PixInsight. Only Ha due to very bright moon. Monoceros widefield 13° x 10°. Ha. 146m (just under 2½ hours) integration time. HistogramTransformation.
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