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Dave In Vermont

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Dave In Vermont last won the day on November 11 2014

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Interests
    Sciences, bicycles, geopolitics, history.
  • Location
    Burlington, Vermont

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  1. *HAL 9000 voice* What are you doing Dave?

  2. O Brother, Where Art Thou?

  3. Now that's a great miss-match! Looks similar to my extended and mostly miss-matched entourage. Well done! Dave
  4. I have one and use it often in my 150mm SW Maksutov. Does an excellent job! Go ahead and 'pull-the-trigger.' The only issue is the same as all Zoom EP's of the 8mm - 24mm range, after about 20mm the F.O.V. drops-off rather dramatically. Some find this a problem. So just be aware - that is the 'nature-of-the-beast' and not to be an unexpected occurance. Have fun, Dave
  5. I love those Vixen LV EP's! I wish I'd known back then what I do now - I'd have bought the whole fleet. As stands I only have 3 of them - 4mm, 9mm, & 15mm. They have certainly passed the test of time very well indeed. Enjoy - Dave
  6. I wonder if this has been noted to Alex Wolf - of the Stellarium Developer's group. Who knows if it's already included? But no harm in sending him a 'heads' up' on this. Stellarium has a great many quasars noted as is. But I don't know if a 'quadruple-lensed' has been noted in it. Yet. Fascinated - Dave
  7. Figure me out - if you dare! evaD
  8. do check out my page. i have replied to your feedback



  9. Your first Saturn is always etched in your mind and will never leave. I remember my first time in 1972 at age 12. Jupiter too. The only thing I'd change from these views would be to have a celebration with the best food & drink to go with. Make a whole day celebration! Dave
  10. One little piece of advice about collimating a Newtonian - whatever type of mount matters not: If you are using any tools, Allen-wrench or such, do the deed with the telescope either level - or with it's nose (the front of the tube) pointing somewhat down. This is so when you drop the wrench or a bolt - it won't free-fall down the inside of the tube and strike the primary-mirror. Even dropping a little bolt down inside is no fun to retrieve. +1 for Bob's Knobs! They are also available for SCT's. Dave
  11. Someplace around 5kg. from the original info-specs that came out in the beginning of it's arrival. Which is when I decided I wasn't interested personally. I'll be staying with my Vixen Porta II, thank you, Dave
  12. Or anything will ever perceive! Wow! Thank you for the find, very cool indeed! Dave
  13. That's why I have both - TeleVue® & GSO Plössls. And some older Vixen LV's from 2003 - excellent! And a whole battalion of others as well. Something for everyday of the week (or month). Variations are a spice of life! Dave
  14. It's a personal choice. What is one willing to pay, and believe worth it, for a fractional improvement of the view? I have both. Dave
  15. John - are Revelation Plössls not actually GSO's? I ask as GSO has been making some very nice optical gear lately. And from their prices - you'd not be likely to guess this. Many different outfits are using GSO equipment, but with their brand-names on them. This can be confusing to newcomers in the world of astronomy and the gear used by us people. My point to you, Edward, is that if you run across some nice looking, but quite inexpensive (compared to other things like TeleVue® Plössls for example) gear bearing the GSO brand - it's likely very good and you're looking at a true bargain. And this of course also is true for the branded GSO goods out there. As I think the Revelation's are. GSO is the abbreviation for Guan Sheng Optics located in Taiwan - the Republic of China. Have fun - Dave
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