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Aristarchus in enhanced color


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Hey everyone,

Here's my photo of the Aristarchus crater I took on the 24th of November last year.

Celestron C9.25, ZWO ASI174MM, ZWO R and B filters, 25 mm Plossl eyepiece projection (approximate effective focal length = 7000 mm).



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Gosh, there's so much going on in one picture. Ray craters, uplift, rilles, lava flows, rays from outside the picture (Kepler, Glushko, Copernicus, maybe Alter W(?)).

Love the colour rendition. Stunning!


P.S. Welcome to SGL

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Thanks for the kind words everyone!

Wow, what a fantastic shot Bartosz, that's really nice.

You've got me thinking with EP projection with an imaging camera and I can now see a use for my coloured filters.

Well done, nice work!

Maybe I'll explain how my projection setup works. It's perfectly possible to take good photos with a simple camera plus eyepiece combination (I've seen amazing planetary photos taken with a camera taped to the eyepiece), but to ensure zero unnecessary tilts in the optical axis, I use an adjustable adapter from Baader coupled with a 40 mm T-2 extender. These elements provide a perfect fit for the stock 25 mm Plossl eyepiece and can be attached to any accessory with a female T-2 thread. In order to gain a 2-3x magnification, you'll need an extra spacing of 50-75 mm between the eyepiece and the camera sensor. In my case, this distance is naturally provided by the filter wheel:


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That is astounding, I really enjoyed studying the enlarged image. Thanks for posting and look forward to seeing more of you work.

Thanks, I appreciate that! I've been doing lunar astrophotography for several months already, so I think I have some stuff worth showing. I think I'll post some lunar eclipse photos tomorrow :)

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Can you describe the processing to get the colour.

Hi. There isn't a lot of processing magic involved in this image, just a lot of high quality data taken during very stable conditions. I only record two channels, the green channel is synthesized simply by averaging out red and blue. After stacking, sharpening and RGB merging the data, I boost the saturation to a high level in Photoshop. Here's a quick visual illustration of the process:


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