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Newbie Says Hello - First Light/First Photeys


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Hello and welcome...thanks for posting the images. Pretty good first attempt! =)

I still haven't laid eyes on Jupiter, and doubt I will until later on in the year...The only planet I have seen so far is Saturn which got me so excited I felt like hugging my scope. Hopefully, we'll be able to image it the next time the sky is clear.

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Hi Vortex

I'm new to all this too but SGL is a great place with loads of friendly advice and tips

good pics

i got this one of Saturn last night just using my phone !


Not the best pic but not bad for a 5mp phone cam and a 10mm EP !!

Anyway, enjoy the scope and the skys


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Hi Vortex, great start with the photo's

Jupiter will always look blurry with a standard camera shot due to the atmosphere making the planet 'wobble' while the camera takes the photo.

Welcome to SGL

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