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Newbie Says Hello - First Light/First Photeys


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Hi everyone,

Just got my telescope today - Starwatcher Explorer 130M. Good value for what it is I think.

First light this evening - and caught a couple of images of the moon using handheld camera at lens and a Canon Powershot A3150 just to see what it would look like. I didn't think it would take any picture at all, so am amazed it took a semi-reasonable image. Obviously, I'm no expert (newbie) but already getting the "itch" ....

I also got what may be Jupiter, but can't be so sure as the image is really small and blurry.

Still, am happy to have had a chance to use the new scope.





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Hi Vortex and welcome to the forum.

Well those images are pretty good! But before that itch gets out of control and takes a real hold,:hello2: can I suggest you get hold of Steve Richards "Making Every Photon Count" (FLO £19.95). It is a very good book that will provide you with a very comprehensive overview of what kit you will need to buy and how best to use it in order to achieve the kind of images that you want to produce. Taking a picture is one side of the equation, processing that data is on the other and this book will give you the means by which you can successfully bring these two together. We wouldn't want your first image of a black hole to be the one in your wallet as as I'm afraid good pictures don't come cheap.

Again welcome to the forum and continued clear skies


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Hi and welcome

Nice first pics.

Download a copy of Stellarium from Stellarium Its free and will give you interactive view of the night sky.

I (and I'am no expert) don't think it was jupiter once you see jupiter even with modest zoom you will make out its four moons. Incidentally jupiter is the other side of the sun at the moment so you will see it chasing the sun after it sets.

However saturn is rising in the east about 7.00pm and is due south about 1.00am.

Hope this helps


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Thank you all for the nice welcome - its a great forum.

Thanks to JBM1165 for the tip on the astro-photography book - and also thanks to NEXUS21 for the advice on Jupiter - (which is great - as I also thought that Jupiter should show better, so am relieved that it wasn't Jupiter :hello2: - obviously I need to study the sky more !)

Being in the midlands, the light pollution is drastic, especially when using the scope from the back of the house.

Wishing "dark skies" for all ! :hello2:

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Hi Vortex and welcome to SGL

I echo what was said about your picture not being Jupiter - depending on what time you took the shot - if it was early and in the west it could have been Mercury, but looking at the picture again I don't think it was. There is an apparent band running across the "object" you caught which is quite Jupiter like, but there are no moons so again. it seems unlikely

what time did you take it?

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