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Hi there...

its Mark from Germany here, 30yrs old, i got into astronomy about 1 year ago, its fascinating.

my equipment so far: 10inch GSO dobson, 20x80 binoculars, and a cheap newtonian 70/700 that is more like a toy, but i still use it at times.

my eyepieces:

26 super plössl

10 super plössl

26 SWA with 70° field of view

also just ordered an 8mm Baader Hyperion.

also plan on building a solar filter for the dob, already have the lid to put on top of the scope, just need to get the Baader foil.

cheers people


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Hi Mark!

Welcome to SGL

I also live in Germany, And I must admit the skies where we are good, compared to the UK. And we should make the most of it mate!

You have an excellent start with your scope being a 10" which is great for Deep Sky Objects (or DSO's for short).

I hope you enjoy every moment of this great hobby we have!

And if you have any problems concerning your equipment or the subject, Just ask me or any other members of SGL, will sure to put you in the right direction! :)

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